Who ever said love is fun... never kissed the wrong girl.

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Gabriel chuckled at the mass of bodies in his living room and he pushed past them, holding his cup away from the drunken bastards on his floor. "Oi idiot!" He yelled and his best friend turned around from the girl he was dancing with before grinning at him. It's only been an hour since everyone arrived and the bastard was already drunk off his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gabriel yelled in his ear and Adam turned before jumping away from the girl that smiled up at him. Lucy Anderson was not the kid that anyone was willing to dance with, even the nerds at the complete bottom of the social food chain who were covered with pimples and horrible B.O., refused to socialize with her. "Where the hell did you come from?" Adam yelled and the smile instantly fell off her face, hiding the orange braces that she recently got in her vacation. "You were dancing with me for an hour." Adam stared at her horrified before turning to Gabriel who was trying to hide the smirk on his face but failing. Everyone hated Lucy and if anyone found out that Adam was dancing with, her status would probably rise but Adam's would plummet down to the ground and even though Adam acted like he didn't care about a lot, his status on the social food chain was one that he cared about... a lot. Adam retched before a set of bile flew out of his mouth and onto the pink reindeer sweater that she chose to wear to Gabriel's party. Who told her that she could wear that was cer- wait a damn minute...

"Who the hell told you that you could show your face out of something other than a paper bag?" Gabriel yelled at her and Lucy flinched more from the insult than the puke that was sliding down her favorite sweater. Her light blue eyes pricked with tears and she turned around hearing the music and feeling everyone's eyes on her. "What? Did I stutter? How the hell did you get in here?" She looked up above her yellow glasses at Gabriel's handsome face before looking back down. How was she supposed to tell him that she snuck in to see him and maybe talk to him and get him to listen to her CD that she made for him. She was waiting until he was wasted off his butt because he'd do anything but she hadn't expected for Adam to start hitting on her and then dancing with her and maybe, just maybe, if she didn't get Gabriel she'd have Adam to fall back on but now with Adam puking at her feet and Gabriel glaring at her; she knew that thought flew out the window and got hit back a drunk driver doing 200 in an  80 zone.

"I- I- I snuck in." She muttered quietly and Gabriel snorted. "Obviously, because I sure as hell wouldn't invite you to catch a slug with me so I know there's no way in hell I'd invite you to my house." She stared at the floor, hearing the sounds of laughter around her and she tried to blink back the tears but that only made them fall faster. "Are you serious? Are you crying right now? Seriously?" She sniffed, proving his assumptions and he chuckled before grabbing her hand and she stared up at him hopeful only to be shot down seeing the sadistic smirk on his face.

"Hey idiot!" Gabriel let go of her hand to look around seeing a girl walk up to him with a look of pure hatred on her face. She had a red cup in her hand, probably filled with the same thing that he was slamming down a minute before, and the black dress that she wore made her look better than any other girl that he ever saw before. Not to mention the blue at the front of her black hair that made her look like someone that seemed to rebel against every law she could find.

"Let her go." She hissed and Gabriel blinked before laughing and dragging Lucy away from the crowd and the music started back up as soon as they got into the kitchen and the girl continued to follow behind them. "Clearly you didn't hear me. I said, let her go now!" Gabriel turned around before standing above her and grinning at the look of surprise on her face as he towered a good few feet over her. Suddenly he was glad for his 6'2 height and he didn't care who wasn't.

"Or what? You'll kiss me?" Gabriel blew a kiss at her and she stepped back before glaring at him more.  "Piss off." She hissed looking like she wanted to say more and his smirk only widened. "Who are you?" Gabriel looked down remembering the ...female... that was next to him before he pulled his arm out of her grasp seeing she had wrapped her arms around his right bicep. Hell no. Just because he pulled her away that didn't mean he cared about her. "Get out." He hissed at her and her eyes welled up with more tears before she looked away. Everytime he insulted her she just cried more and he just didn - wait a minute...

"Do you like me?" She looked away before shuffling her worn aqua converse on his lovely tiled kitchen floor and he turned away before making a mental note. Never get Adam so wasted that he dances with ugly girls like her. A stinging on his left cheek brought him out of his thoughts and he glared at the pretty girl in front of him. Just because she's pretty and looked like a perfect ballerina didn't mean that he was going to let her hit him.

"What the hell was that?" He snarled and she grinned before grabbing Lucy's hand and pulling her away from his side. "Leave her alone." She replied and he blinked, forgetting why he was angry. Once he saw her smile it was like he forgot everything, including his name... wait a second, he couldn't forget his name. He was the best sex god that Covington Prep ever saw and would never forget that. 

"Hey Gabe! Why don't you tell me when I'm making one of the biggest mistakes of my life?" A loud voice yelled before Adam entered the kitchen seeing Gabriel talking to Lucy and another girl that he had never seen before and trust, he would remember if he saw a model before. Gabriel took in his friend's look and he glared at him for the first time ever since the Natalia incident. "You two disgust me." She hissed and Adam blinked, wondering how such filthy words could come out of a pretty mouth. Of course, Gabriel was thinking the same thing; he just chose to voice his thoughts. She rolled her pretty blue eyes before pushing past Adam, dragging a bawling blonde behind her.

"You know I saw her first." Gabriel muttered monotonously and Adam turned to him apalled. After everything he's been blessed with, he wants to take away the only chance he may ever have at having a girlfriend? Hell no. 

"But she doesn't like you." 

"Everyone likes me." Adam chuckled shaking his head. Sometimes he was so conceited it wasn't funny. 

"Let's see who gets her first then." Gabriel shrugged before slamming down what was left in his cup before taking up a bottle of vodka that his father saved for special occasions. 

"We'll see then..." Gabriel replied before walking next to him. "The Sex God who gets whatever he wants versus The Forgotten Orphan. I wonder who will win." Adam glared hatefully at his back before grabbing Gabriel's mother's tequila, knowing that was the one thing that she advised him never to touch. 

"Game on pretty boy."

(Picture of the sexy beast Gabriel Valentina on the side ===============>)

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