Big Brother

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 "Sonic, I'm not a baby anymore. I'll be fine on my own. It's just a little trip outside of the village. I'll do some night....right on the edge of a crevice in the Earth's crust. He'll never let me go."

 Tails slumped by the fire in the hut that the villagers of Holoska had let him, Sonic, and Chip stay in. He was waiting for Sonic to come back from fighting Eggman's robots.

 'He's going to think it's too dangerous for me..... I'm older, I can handle it.'

 He thoughts were cut off as his blue friend came zooming in with Chip flying behind him.

 "Oh, Tails, you should of been there. Egghead's robots were easy, of course, but then there was this part where we had to bobsled down the side of a mountain. It was awesome! "

 "Sounds like it.... Huh, Sonic, can I ask you something?"

 "Sure, what's up?" he said as he sat on the ground beside him.

 "Well, I was thinking about doing some further research on the effects that Dark Gaia had on the Earth."

 "Go for it."

 "It's just...I'd get more results if I did it at night. "

 Sonic didn't say anything to that; he just looked at the fire.

 "I know you don't like the idea," Tails continued, "And I know that nighttime is even more dangerous with all those monsters out there. But I'd be really careful. I'd take care not to go near them. I'll have my communicator on the whole time and call you if I'm in danger."



 "...You've been able to take care of yourself in all types of situations but....I don't want you to get surrounded again. Last time, you were lucky I was around. My werehog form isn't fast at all; I can't immediately come to your aid."

 "And you won't have to. I know what I'm doing."

 Sonic didn't look like he was going to give in. But he eventually sighed and said, "Alright, but don't make me regret it."

 "Oh, thank you, Sonic!" Tails said as he grinned from ear to ear, "You won't ,I promise! "

 "Is there anything else I should be worried about?"

 Just then, Tails remembered that he hadn't told Sonic about being on the edge of that crevice.

 'If I tell him that, he'll change his mind! But I can't go behind his back. Tell him.

 "No, that's all."

 The sun was slowly sinking behind the horizon as Tails gathered his things into his plane.

 He was excited to go but couldn't get the thought out of his head that he might be going behind his best friend's back.

 'He almost didn't let me go. If I had told him, I wouldn't be going. And I'll only be there for a little while and be back before anything happens. Sonic doesn't have to know.'

 Yet, he still felt guilty, even though he hadn't gone yet.

 'It's because it's wrong. I never go behind Sonic's back. I'll tell him when I'm finished.'

 At dinner, Tails, Sonic, and Chip sat by the fire and ate stew.

 "Why the long face, Tails?"


 "You look upset," Sonic said as he finished his bowl.

 "No.....I'm just thinking about tonight. Um, Sonic?"

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