I'm Glad I Meet You

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                                                 Chapter 1

   Justin is just waiting for Scooter to come over so he sits there and then all of a sudden he hears a knock on the door. Then I enter but Justin recognizes who I am "Yuli what are you doing here again?" said Justin awkwardly "I am here to give you this since I destroyed your door will trying to get in your house the last time" I said quietly. Then Justin  takes the chocolates and the snapback that said swag on it. "Come inside aren't you cold? its freezing out there" Justin said worried "Yes I'm cold and thank you for letting me inside and wow what a beautiful house you have" I said amazed. After that Justin was giving me a tour of the house the first place he showed me was he room. "Wow your bedroom is so huge I love how you put the your albums on the wall and the pictures of your family.

     There was a knock on the door Justin went downstairs quickly and opened the door and it was Scooter so I hid in Justin's closet. Then I heard the footsteps coming towards Justin's bedroom so I tried to stay calm. Then I could hear them talking about making a new album and " Yuli where are you?" Justin said questioned. I opened the closet door "What are you doing there?" Justin said mad "Hiding" I said. Scooter was looking at me weird so I stepped out of the closet and I introduce myself for him. "Justin what is she doing here?" asked Scooter angry "She just wanted to see how my house looked like from the inside". About an hour later Scooter left the house and Justin hugged him will I sat on the couch watching TV.


     As soon as Scooter left I went home in my parents 20 minutes away from here "Justin I have to go home." I said sad "Can I give you a ride?" Justin asked in a joyful tone. I nodded my head he took my hand to lead me the way there as soon as we got to the car he looked at me in a different way than he used to. We got to my house and he opened the door "Can we meet up tomorrow to hang out?" Justin said Happily "Sure" I said tiredly. He left waving good bye I stood outside thinking about how sorry I felt for breaking his door. So I went inside then I realized I broke his door because I was trying to fix it all went wrong. I went quickly upstairs went to my bed and fell asleep.

Justin's Point Of View:

     I got home and I couldn't stop thinking about what Scooter said to me earlier about the album I had to finish 20 songs for the album by this month. I didn't know what to do then I got my phone out and started righting down songs for the album. I went to sleep thinking about how fast I have to work to 20 songs and its going be hard. The Next day I woke up I went to changed  brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to look for a notebook. Then I hear a knock I went straight towards the door and it was Yuli. "Hi Justin may I come in?" she said patiently "Yes come in why are you here?" I asked confused "You said we can hang out today remember" she said softly. "I totally forgot about it I'm sorry I've been working on my album" I said loud. "Its okay we can hang out some other time" she said sad. "No no, we can hang out today let me get my keys and we can go". I took her to my car again and I accidentally was holding her hand instead of grabbing her hand.

     We got in the car and she was on her phone text messaging her friends. Then we arrived to the park I got out my basketball and we went to the basketball court and started playing. " I thought we are just going to walk around?" she said confused "No we are going to play basketball come on I heard your a good player" I said excited. She nodded her head and started playing she blocked me every time I tried to make it in and the score was 0-30 she was winning me she's a very good player. After that we went to my back car to go grab some food and some drinks. We arrived to in-n-out she looked very tired but hungry so I asked what she wanted. I got the food and I walk towards her "Justin can we go eat at your place?" she asked tiredly. "Sure let's go come on" I said and we entered the car to find a note on the window. The note was for me and I opened it and the note came from a Belieber saying that she wanted to see me soon also to thank me for everything I done. I showed it to Yuli and she had a smile on her face that I have never seen before then she turned to put her seatbelt on. 30 minutes later we arrived at my place we entered and we went straight to the kitchen. She was sleeping in the car so I carried her to my place and put her in a bedroom and then I went to the kitchen and put the food in the fridge. 

     I went upstairs fell sound asleep dreaming about finding my true love but I didn't know who was it. The next day I woke up early it was 7:00 am I went to work on my songs and I had only 5 songs done so I thinking about true love. Then I realized that I don't have a true love so I decided to write about something else. I went to Yuli's bedroom to see if she woke up but she didn't wake up so I left the bedroom. I continued trying to write songs but it was hard so I started writing a song called its "hard 2 face reality". Soon I heard a knock on the door and it was a Belieber " hi Justin can I have a hug" she said excited. "Sure" I said I hugged her "Good bye Sweetie!" I said loud she waved goodbye and ran sobbing in tears. I closed the door and continue d with the song and I was looking around for more ideas then it hit me I found more lyrics to the song. I started writing writing down the lyrics I have planed for the song.


Yuli's Point of view

     I woke up all I saw was nice furniture and I knew it wasn't it wasn't my house so I went to the living room and I saw Justin writing down songs. Then Justin looked at me "Can I go home I need to change and get to work?" I said. "Sure I'll take you to your house and then you can go to your work" Justin said in a strange tone. We went to his car I got the keys and I was driving his car but he said nothing so j thought he would be okay with it. I got to my house and gave his keys back to Justin "Bye I'll see you soon!" Justin said happily. I waved goodbye and entered my house getting ready to go to work. Later that day I arrived from work and I went to cook me up some food thinking about Justin. "Am I falling for Justin?" I said to myself and I began wondering am I "No I'm not I'm just thinking of how nice he is that's it" I said again to my self.


     I went straight to the couch and I fell sleep thinking about Justin and how charming he was I woke up "I guess I am falling for him" I said to myself. Then I went back to sleep with a smile on my face that night I had dreams of Justin. It was morning I woke up with a smile on my face  didn't have to work today I guess I can go to Justin's house and ask if he wants to hang out. 20 minutes later I arrived Justin was playing basketball all by himself I started to play with as soon as the ball roles towards me. He tried to win but he lost again the score was 3-34 "Yuli can you help me?" Justin said. "Sure but with what?" I said tired and he took me inside to show me what it was. Turns out he wanted some help writing some songs we sat next to his piano and he leaned closer to look at his notes. I smelled his Colon he smelled so nice I accidentally fell to the ground and Justin picked me up. "Are you alright?" Justin said worried "Yeah I'm fine I'm just tired that's all" I said.


     I walked towards the door "Bye Justin" I said quietly and Justin grabbed my arm before I walked out the door. "Justin Let go of me" I ran outside of his house and started crying thinking about him. The next thing you know I started walking home some guys were checking me out and I ran even faster. Soon I came home and my brother was there I ran to him and started hugging him because I missed him. "Why are you hugging me?" said Isaac " I missed you so much I haven't seen you in so long " I said while crying. I took my brother to his room to sleep he was laying there staring into his pocket. After that  I close the door shut and went to my room thinking about that special guy I want in my life. Then I was thinking about the great day I had I wish that can happen every day so I can be happy all the time. I wanted to hug Justin but I didn't so I just headed home then I fell asleep.

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