Author's Note

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im so sorry i havent updated in like twelve billion years. i know that ive needed too for a while, and i apologize.

i got back from vacation like two months ago and my life was really busy soooo yeah.

hopefully now that summer is getting closer and i will have more time at the computer i will be able to update a bit more regularly. : )

the next chapter should be coming up fairly quickly, MAYBE today, maybe tomorrow. i havent figured out if i want to change anything or blah blah blah.

i hope you guys are still eagerly awaiting this story updating, and ive been thinking of posting another story up here *wiggles eyebrows*. its not a fanfic tho, but the idea was kind of taken from Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson so thank you LHA for writing such amazing books with amazing stories and amazing characters!

okay, im sure you dont want to hear about MY life, but Harry and Charlie's ; ). I will get writing right now!!!!!!


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