The Reaction

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Colby's POV

The fans have been going crazy over our new video. Most of them are excited that Sam and I are together, but there are some who are freaked out that I am a little. I don't know how to say this, but I am not all that excited to do youtube videos now that everyone knows my secrets. I see all of the hate that I got before coming out, and now I can just imagine how much hate I will get. There is one comment that is getting to me, "Eww you're a little? Why the hell would Sam want to be with a little? He can do so much better than having to take care of your sorry ass everyday."

Is she right? Can Sam really be a lot happier with someone else? I don't know why I even agreed to let Sam be my daddy. Yeah I love him dearly, but I don't want him to be unhappy. Maybe I should sit down and talk to him. Maybe he can make all of my fears go away. Or maybe he will lie and say he's fine with being my daddy, but in reality he hates me. I have to do it. I have to talk to him.


A/N: I know this is really short, but I have been super stressed. My finals are this week, and they are stressing me out. I just took my math final, and I am hoping I get at least a B on it. I promise that I will try to keep updating soon. Until next time<3

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