Kidnapped or Stolen? (Reader/All)

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Female Pronouns!

(Basically, Jim, Mycroft, and Sherlock have slight feelings for Reader, and John and Mary are platonic to her of course)

The street was empty as Y/n walked back to 221B Baker St. from her school. She had her headphones in as she strolled down the lonely sidewalk, listening to sweet holiday tunes to relax from the rough day.

She passed by many of the flat complexes and noticed that one of them had an unusual smell. Thinking it's someone's cooking that had gone bad, she just continued walking.

Once she started feeling sick and felt like she was about to faint she started to worry. She started seeing white spots and her vision started fading, her knees buckled under her and she had a harder time at breathing. Seconds later she fell to the ground hitting her head, then painfully went unconscious.

Her phone rang multiple times but no one heard or answered it. The person trying to call was Mycroft, wondering where she was. When he didn't have any data from the call, he tracked down her phone's pin and found that it had been sitting in the cold outside for a long time. 

With a quick text to his younger brother about where he needed to be, he left hoping to find Y/n somewhere.

When Sherlock didn't respond he got frustrated and tried calling him, nothing. He called John. Once again, no one answered.

His final plan was to call Mary, which he did and she finally picked up.

"Mycroft?" "Yes, Hello, Can you please come to this location? Y/n is missing and is nowhere to be found..." "On my way. Why didn't you ask the Baker St. Boys?" "None of them answered" "Oh, okay." The call ended before being able to say goodbyes and thanks.


Y/n was blindfolded. She felt restrains on her ankles and wrist. She sensed the area she was in and guessed that it's more spacious than a flat or living room but still enclosed and very empty. It's somewhere abandoned by the smell of emptiness that lingers in the air, a shock running up her spine.

This had to be one of the Professor's tricks again, Whoever captured her was now slowly walking up to her. The footsteps, which she could tell were from a male's shoes, echoed through the atmosphere the sound surrounding her.

"Hello~" The familiar deep male voice hummed.


 "Oh god, that again. It's not important!" Sherlock groaned.

"Not important? It's primary school stuff. How can you not know that?" John scoffed, "Well If I ever did I deleted it." "Deleted it?" John suddenly turns confused.
"Listen. This is my hard drive and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. And that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?"
"But it's the solar system!" John exclaimed, shocked at the fact that his friend didn't know how the earth rotated around the sun.

"Oh! Hell!? What does that matter? So we go 'round the sun. If we went 'round the moon or round and round the garden like a teddy bear it wouldn't make any difference." He exaggerated, "All that matters to me is the work. Without that, my brain rots. Put that in your blog. Or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world." Sherlock insulted and he turned his back towards him.

John sighed, he checked his phone just in time as Mary called,

"Hey Mary"

"John! Where are you and Sherlock right now?" Mary's voice sounded concerned, 

"In the flat, why?"

"Mycroft called the two of you, it's urgent!"

John takes his ear off the phone and looks at Sherlock, covering the microphone with his hands John whispered: "He's calling Mary now!" giving a displeased look to Sherlock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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