Chapter 2.
Almost two months have past since that disturbing and vivid dream. I had difficulty sleeping that night because of the image of my mother's slit throat kept resurfacing in my mind but now I have a weird dreams of this guy and I kissing like crazy. Wow, never in my life have had sexual dreams, especially like that.
Ugh I feel gross....and a little horny.
The dream started out as this "Guy" coming out of some woods, a blurred face, coming towards me hungrily. I wasn't unfazed by his appearance but I stood there, waiting. We both walked towards each other, stared in each others eyes and started devouring each other's lips as if we both didn't have enough of each other or taste another. He lets go of my face and grabs my hand, guiding me to a cabin. He opens the door and suddenly, the dream ends.
My eyes opened wide to the sight of my empty ceiling wall. It was five in the morning, I was still in bed and today was my birthday. I was officially seventeen but nothing felt new to me besides my age and oncoming wrinkles.
After minutes of tossing and turning in bed, I gave up. I got out of bed and grabbed a jacket off my desk chair. I quietly crept downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with cold glass of water.
Finishing the drink, my stomach was still tight and naught. I look out through the glass door of the deck. The woods intrigued me for an unknown reason. I got that feeling of wanting to take a walk in the woods. Maybe a little morning hike was what I needed.
I pulled out my Timberland boots from the shoe shelf and a small bag that I filled with granola bars and a water bottle.
The sun has set and inside the woods it was chilly but no overly cold. It was the perfect temperature. Normally people wouldn't enter the woods alone because we all know how it ends in a horror movie. I don't go deep into the woods, I walked only half a mile away from my house.
When I reached my limit I hear the sound of metal clamping together and limp cry. I walked to where I had heard the sound. I brushed the tree branches out of my way and come across an injured animal. The animal was abnormally small like a little fox. I observed its leg and it had a bear trap clamped on it. It's beaded eyes caught mine and it feared for it's life. It started moving around when I got close to it. I put my bag down and run over to help it. I got my fingers in between the spikes and it opened. The little animal pulled itself away and laid next to me. It's head burrowed in my arm like it was thanking me.
I began talking to it. "Now how can an animal like you get stuck in this?" I went into my bag and pulled out my gauze wrap. Thank god I carried a first aid kit with me. I drowned the leg in water and wrapped it with a gauze. "Take care." I smiled. The little fox disappeared into the fog.
It was my cue to go back home.
It was already seven when I got back home and my mom was wide awake. She was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon.
"Happy Birthday!" She happily screamed.
"Thanks" I smiled.
Good to she was up, awake and... well alive.
She comes over to me and kisses my cheek.
"I cooked breakfast. Everything you like" She said. She puts me in a seat and fills my plate full of food. "Are you trying to fatten me up on birthday?" I joked.
"Yes I am, you are in need of more fat in your body missy." She said pinching my arm.
"Is Gramps coming?" I asked devouring my food like a madman.
My mom sipped her orange juice. "No but he called and said he wasn't feeling good so he's on bed rest for today. He said he's sorry and he will make up for it next time." My mom didn't look at me for a while.

The Wolf Who Stole Me.
RomanceEverything started on the night of her 17th birthday when a traumatic incident took place inside her home. Bad blood and horrific memories etched inside her head forever. Since the incident, Leah is taken in by an Alpha named Xavier, who they both b...