F o u r

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I dreamt about him last night, It was a good dream, and it wasn't the first time I dreamt about him either. All my dreams involving him seemed to follow a pattern.

The dream would start off slow and would eventually build up to a situation where we were about to kiss or he was about to ask if I wanted to go out or something, but right before said situation was about to unravel in my head I would wake up.

I would wake up to the depressing reality that what I was feeling wasn't real, I'd wake up to remember that his touch had once again eluded me.

Those dreams gave me something to hope for and to think about whenever I pleased, but they also tore me down. The simple knowledge that he and I were only friends and probably would never be anything more was a constant presence in my mind along with the many other scenarios I had dreamt up involving him and I.

He was my reality but he filled my dreams.

"Hey Harley are you free tonight?" Veronica giggled as she skipped towards me.

"Yeah, haha I think so. Why, what are you planning?" I inquired.

"I was gonna have a party tonight, nothing special, we'll probs just watch movies and stuff." She said smiling.

Veronica was widely liked among the grade and had stunning facial features. She had blue eyes that would light up in the sun and wavy cocoa colored hair with blonde highlights.

"Sounds great, I'll check with my parents when I get home. Should I bring anything?"

I asked because we usually ended up eating all the food a quarter way into whatever we were doing.

"Nope, we'll be ordering pizza so it'll be fine. You can come over anytime after 6pm."

She laughed and skipped over to a group of girls across the hall, leaving me to pack up my things.

The school day had just ended and I was pretty tired. I had basically spent all of last night trying doing homework and to be honest I didn't really want to go to a party. But something made me and I'm not quite sure what it was.

Once I was home I began to prepare for the party. I had a good two hours until I had to be there but I decided to start now. I walked into the bathroom and applied a light curve of eyeliner to my top lid and a straight dark Line to my bottom. I put on a black T-shirt that read "SBHS knights" in gold lettering (I go to Shady Brook High School and my mom made buy a school shirt because I apparently needed "more school spirit") and a pair of white shorts with black flip flops. I still had about a half an hour Until I had to be there so I decided to get on Instagram.

Naturally, the first place I went was his profile, I pretended to to notice how stalkerish I was being. His most recent picture was one of him and his dog outside playing. He was smiling in it and I couldn't help but smile back.

His smile was gorgeous. He, was gorgeous. I imagined him smiling at me the way he was smiling in the picture and ended up slamming my phone down onto my bed and making a weird screeching noise as I slid off.

He was the only one who could make me do that. He was the only one that by simply imagining him smiling at me could make me act like I was having an exorcism.

It was finally time for the party and when I arrived at Veronica's house she and her dogs greeted me at the door. I could hear the others voices emanating from the basement as she opened the door. "Come on in Harley, we're watching Frozen." She laughed.

"Haha cool." I said as I walked through the door and into the basement.

I was actually kinda sick of Frozen but it didn't really bother me. As I walked down the steps I tried to place the voices. I could hear Veronica and Connor laughing with each other Allyson and khloe were talking about the pizza. I could hear one last voice amongst them all that caught me completely off guard. I could hear his voice.

I should have known he would be here. Aiden and Veronica were good friends. Of course she would invite him. I'm an idiot.

Veronica was dating Connor who had brown hair, brown eyes, and broad shoulders. He was really funny and we were pretty tight.

I walked over and sat down next to Cameron. Cameron had honey brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. He had tan skin that accentuated his angular jawline. He was one of my best guy friends.

"Hey Harley." He said smiling and held his hand out for a fist bump.

"Hey cam." I said bumping his fist and making the cheesy exploding noise which made him laugh.

My eyes slid over to Aiden who was sitting with Jason. I guess he had heard Cameron laugh because he was looking right at me. Once again his gaze suprised me because I jumped back a little.

"Are you okay?" Cam said chuckling

"Haha yeah, I'm just cold." I said trying to play my jump off as a shiver.

"here." He said as he took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me.

I was surprised but I put it on.

It smelled good, like him. He watched me as I put it on. Something flickered in his honey colored eyes. Pride? Maybe, but I wasn't sure.

I looked back at Aiden who was looking at Cameron. I guess he sensed my gaze on him because his dark eyes shifted to mine. This time I didn't jump, I didn't want to scare Cameron. Aiden stood up, eyes still resting on mine, and walked over to the empty seat on the couch next to me.

I panicked.

"Hey Harls." He said, but there was something strange about the way he said it. It sounded like he was angry with me.

"Hola Aiden." I said awkwardly, regretting that i had randomly started speaking Spanish.

His face brightened up and he began to laugh. He had a cute laugh, it was bubbly.

The movie had been paused and I watched as Allyson unpaused it. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Despite her dark appearance she was very nice. Once she was done with the remote she ran over and plopped down between Cameron and I.

This flung me closer, much, much closer, as in on top of Aiden.

He started laughing and I frantically started trying to get off of him. But just then Khloe decided it would be funny to sit on top of me.

I didn't find it amusing at all so I pushed Khloe off of me and sat up. Everyone (including Aiden and excluding me) was cracking up.

Khloe, who had medium length chocolate colored hair that was usually put into a side braid and brown eyes with flecks of green in them, got up off the floor and took a seat next to carter who had brown hair that always looked perfect and plain brown eyes and a muscular build.

I looked over to Aiden, who was still laughing, and said sorry. I'm pretty sure My face was 10 shades of red by that point.

"Don't worry bout it, Harls." He said adjusting himself back into the position he was in before I landed on him.

I was thankful that he saw it as more of a joke than anything. We all turned our attention back to the movie. About an hour after the incident my mom called me and said she was coming to pick me up. I was sad that I had to leave Aiden and all my friends but I was also anxiously awaiting being able to go home and fill Jake and Caitlin in on all that had happened.

Before I left I thanked Veronica and gave Cameron back his sweatshirt.

Aiden came over and hugged me, which was surprising. I awkwardly folded my arms around him too. His hugs were gentle yet supportive, I liked that.

Hi guys, this one was like super long. I really appreciate all the encouragement I've gotten. Please feel free to comment what you think and suggest ideas as to where you guys want this to go. I felt like I crammed a lot into this update but then again a lot usually happens at Veronica's parties. 😏

~ Harls

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