Chapter 3 - Hardcore DnD

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It seems that my capturers aren't giants with strange tastes; They are crazy giants with strange tastes!
They are genuinely under the impression that I'm their child, and nothing they say makes any coherent sense.
They've put me back into that strange room but this time they've locked the windows and door, if they are not my capturers then explain what sort of people have locks on their windows?!

Well enough of that, currently I have no way of escaping and trying to get out the same way as before won't work, they will be expecting it.
I'll need to try gain their trust and escape while they sleep.
It's the only feasible route I can see working.
If they believe I'm their child, then, their child I will be! Well... at the very least I'll need to come up with something to make my actions last night believable.
I definitely can't suddenly just have a change of heart, that wouldn't make any sense.
I'll need to think of something else, think me! Think!

After what felt like several hours of contemplation passed by I had finally finished my plan and begun preparing, preparing what you ask? Well myself of course!
I practiced all the acting skills I learnt as an actual child, rehearsed all the expressions and mannerisms that I'd frequently have used and of course, I readied my mental script!
However it was all for naught I'm afraid.
As when my "mother" walked in, she wasn't alone, there was another giant I hadn't yet met with her, he wore robes and held what seemed to be a small book close to his chest.
He was the very embodiment of a Dungeons and Dragons role-player. I couldn't help but scoff at him in my head for appearing in front of others in such an outfit.

"Please Ronald, help my son." Pleaded my 'mother' to the strange man.
The man simply nodded in reply and then turned to face me.
He knelt down before me, stared and observed me for a long awkward minute or two before turning back to my 'mother' and telling her, "There's nothing physically wrong with the boy, he's got a slight concussion and a bit of amnesia at most, probably from when he feinted in the field."
"I told Johnathon not to take Orion out hunting with him!" Cursed my 'mother' while seemingly snarling at nothingness, it what is the truly feirce expression of an angry woman, she then silently continued under her breath, "I'll be sure to give him a long talk when he gets back."
The man let out a wry smile at the sight of that, before turning back to me momentarily and saying, "I know I told you that there's nothing's wrong with him, but he's definitely different than before," He paused for a moment before continuing, "He has the aptitude to be a mage now."
My 'mother' gasped at that, looked my way and begun to tear up, "Truly?" she wiped her eyes and beamed with a smile, "But how?" She asked before quickly adding, "You told us that he had no ability to use magic."
"He didn't, I was absolutely sure of it, but it's almost as if-" He cut himself off, looking at me with eyes full of fascination, "But I digress, his amnesia should clear up by itself given some time."
He stood up and readjusted his robe, and then turned to face the woman, "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do but wait and hope for the best."
The woman's face turned solemn once more and then she nodded silently.
"I don't know what you meant when you warned me he wasn't being cooperative though, he seems pretty well behaved," the man put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair, "I think he was just a bit startled and confused."

They had left the room shortly afterwards, leaving me both very confused and rather annoyed that they wasted my hours of preparation.
However, unlike yesterday's drivel of me being a child, today's nonsense was considerably more digestible.
I would still take it with a bathtub full of salt though, as magic and the like should be complete and utter nonsense. But if I think about recent events, I clearly remember dying, no that's wrong... I did die.
Then I may have very well seen the afterlife itself, however, for whatever reason I was lead away by that mysterious being.
It's very possible that this may not be the same world anymore, no, that much I am fairly certain of. However, the existence of magic here... I suppose it's not out of the question, but then... It's also possible that I was put into a child's body... No, that's going too far, I may be adaptive but I'm not that accepting!

While I was lost in thought I failed to notice the door reopen and my 'mother' re-enter the room, alone this time.
"Orion, do you really not remember me?..." She asked with her voice filled with hope.
Right here it is; My time to shine!
I softly shook my head at her question, "I don't remember anything..."
Her expression turned pained at my words but she didn't seem deterred by it, "It's okay, I'm your mother, Veronica, and that man from last night is your father, Johnathon." She said in a gentle tone.
"Who was the weird man from earlier?" I asked and inclined my head ever so slightly.
"That was Ronald, the town priest and your father's old adventuring partner." She answered with a look of nostalgia on her face.
"What's adventuring?" I asked while ever so slightly falling out of my character due to the excitement those words brought me.
She seemed surprised by what I said but didn't seem to be bothered by it, I cursed at myself for being careless.
"Adventuring is basically a job..." She paused for a moment in thought, then continued, " Adventurer's job is to help people by doing commissions offered at the adventurer's guild, they also fight demonic beasts on behalf of the kingdom..." She answered straight forwardly before slowing herself and finally asking, "Sorry is this all confusing?"
I shook my head, it seems she could tell I lost interest after I realised they simply did odd jobs. A woman's intuition is scary.
"Ah, what's a demonic beast?" I asked a question I thought I'd never need to ask before.
"Your daddy hunts demonic beasts, they are dangerous monsters, but your daddy is super strong so you don't have to worry." She said with a complex expression, it was obvious that she simplified the answer a lot as she believes that I'm a child... I would have preferred a fuller answer like her previous explanation though.
However, that's fine.
Now I know to stay away from this world's fake adventuring job and definitely to stay away from any demonic beasts.
While I was lost in thought again, she seemed to have mistaken it as me being bored as she placed her hand on my head and gently stroked my hair and said, "Well, you don't need to worry about those things now, your dad will tell you all about them."
I nodded timidly. It may very well be my default mode of interaction at this point.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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