Chapter 3 : sorry my ass

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"So, how do you make a living?" Romani asked. He was much more handsome in person. Caramel skin, hazel eyes, and straight pearly white teeth.

I causally sipped my wine. We were at a really fancy French restaurant, and the date was going okay, slow, but okay. I had to thank Mr Lawson for earlier, or I wouldn't have had anything to wear.

I was wearing the red lace dress with rose gold pumps. I didn't have enough time to beat out my face, but I was in luck since my best friend/roommate was a cosmetologist. She was able to give me a quick natural glow, that I mostly preferred over pounds of makeup, and nicely styled my hair. I went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Nothing much. I work as a secretary for Christian Lawson."

"The Christian Lawson? As in, Christian Lawson from Lawson Ventures?" Romani asks with pure surprise. I nod. "You call that, not much? I've been trying to get a position there!"

"Do you want his number?" I didn't have to wait for him to answer because I already knew what he was about to say. I pulled a pen out of my purse and scrawled his number on a napkin, "Here." I handed it to him, rolling my eyes, but he was to busy entering the number on his phone to even notice.

"Thanks I'll for sure be giving him a call, and I'll mention you." Nodding his head like a rabbit as he spoke, I couldn't help but giggle, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, "Uh, what do you do?"

"Um," he seemed caught off guard, "I'm a doctor."

Sure. I'm just going to pull his tail. I act as though I believe him, "Oh? I always wanted to be a doctor! What clinic?"


"I asked you what clinic you worked at..." I waved my hand in his face, to gain attention from his phone. How rude. "...since you're a doctor."

"Oh um, Health Partners?" He was still distracted and it was pissìng me off. I could've spent the night in my jammie's watching The Vampire Diaries with Lyanna.

"How about we don't talk about my job?" He demanded, clearly irritated. Uh, he's being so rude! I have to get Lyanna to save me, "How much do you get paid?"

Yeah I've had enough, "If you'll excuse me, I have to go to the ladies room."

Not even waiting for a response, I hurriedly excused myself.

As soon as I find the bathroom, I pulled my phone out of my clutch, eager to be done with this date, and texted Lyanna:

The date is going sooo bad!!! Call me in 5 min! U kno the drill. I need to get the hell outta here pronto!

Then I quickly fixed my hair and makeup, popped another Altoid in my mouth, and hesitantly walked back to the table.

As soon as I took my seat he started back up with his bullshit, "Is he a good boss?" He was honestly pissing me off. Like can't you take a hint? What the fućk?

Thank God, my phone started ringing... but it wasn't Lyanna, it was Mr Lawson. I wonder what he wanted? It was a quarter past six, and I clocked out at five.

"Hello, Mr Lawson?" What would make this man call me after business hours? He's never before.

He sounds urgent, "Oh yes, Ms Blythe," oh, we are back to business, "I was getting the documents ready for tomorrow's meeting... and I couldn't find the folder I'd asked you to type up. I want to know where it is?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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