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Billie Joe reaches over and shakes his sleeping husband awake.

"Tre, it's almost twelve-thirty. We need to get up if we want to do anything productive today."

Tre rolls over and is greeted by Billie's lips on his. The kiss is passionate, but quick, and leaves Tre wanting more. He moves in for another, but Billie quicky moves out of the way and gets off the bed.

"I knew that would wake you up," Billie Joe smirked, "I'll go make breakfast," He finishes, and blows Tre a kiss. Tre rolls his eyes and gets up out of bed. He walks downstairs to the kitchen, where Billie is standing at the stove making pancakes. 

"Do we have any bacon?" Tre asks, leaning on the counter.

"I don't know, check the fridge."

"But it's so far away..." Tre trails off, reaching toward the refrigerator.

"Jeez, you're lazy today, aren't you," Billie jokes, flipping a pancake in a pan, "You want it, you check."

"Fine," Tre sighs, walking the whole four feet to the refrigerator and opens the door. He pulls out a package of bacon and drops it onto the counter.

"Those pancakes are yours. You're gonna make me bacon pancakes," Tre says, doing a little dance that he calls "The Bacon Dance". Billie Joe thinks he looks ridiculous when he does it, but in the end he thinks it's cute.

"Wow, thanks for asking me first. I guess I'm just your cooking slave," Billie says, and bows, "At your service."

"If you were my slave, you'd be doing a lot more than cooking," Tre says, and smirks, while Billie's face flushes red. Even though they've been together for about 3 years, the couple tends to get flustered quite a lot. Tre leans over and kisses his husband on the cheek.

Billie gets back to cooking, and opens the pack of bacon. Tre walks into the living room and turns on the TV. The news is the first channel that comes on, and coincidentally, the two band mates - now husbands - are on TV.

"After a supposed 'long-time relationship' pop-punk front-man Billie Joe Armstrong and drummer Tre Cool have announced their marriage. Along with a picture of the twoNot much was said in the vague 206 character tweet Billie Joe Armstrong posted late Sunday night:

'Tre and I would like to make our relationship pubilc. We feel it is only fair that our fans get to know and no one is left in the dark. We hope our fans understand and continue to respect us, as we do them.'

"There has been plenty of feed back - both good and bad - regarding the announcement, from around the world. The band is asking for composure from their fans, saying they didn't mean to offend some people, but that they instead were trying to bring people together, showing unity between communities. Green Day members Mike Dirnt and Jason White have been seen standing up for the newly announced couple, saying the two are happy together and that is all that really matters. 

"The band as a whole has been sent death threats since the announcement, being accused of sin and unholiness. They have taken these seriously, and have since cancelled some of their upcoming tour dates, seen on your screen. There is a full refund to any and all fans who have bought tickets for these concerts. If you do not collect your refund by the scheduled date, all money will go to charities in the California area.

"In other news, the weather in the Pasadena area..."

The news woman trails onto the weather and other events and leaves Tre alone with his thoughts. He is so spaced out that he doesn't realize Billie has been standing behind him, watching the news cast for most of the time it was on.

"The pancakes are ready," Billie Joe says, startling Tre and causing him to jump.

"O-oh, okay," Tre stutters, a bit shaken up from the news story. He didn't realize how big of a deal would be made out of Billie and his relationship. He feels terrible about having to cancel their shows, but when you get threats saying someone is going to bomb the place, you have to do whatever you can to keep people safe, and if that means cancelling a couple concerts that can otherwise be rescheduled, then that's what you have to do.

The two walk into the kitchen to make plates of pancakes. Tre gets both bacon pancakes and regular pancakes so Billie can have some bacon pancakes, too. They sit down at their ironically large (since there are only two of them) dining table next to each other and start eating. Tre soon asks if Billie wants to move to the couch, and he says yes.

The TV is still on, but the news has changed to an old rerun of Jeopardy and the couple takes turns trying to answer the questions (or question the answers, since it's, you know, Jeopardy).

After Tre has finished eating, he puts his plate on the table and lays his head on Billie Joe's shoulder. Even though he has only been up for about an hour, Tre soon falls asleep.

(A/N) this was a long af chapter sorry about that, but i hope you guys liked it. 
i will try to write more for this story, but at the same time, i am trying to write for other
stories i have, so sorry if i dont update regularly.

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