.:ships and usernames:.

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Basic ships are:
- Scorbus
- Jeddy
- And others to be revealed along the way ;)

Albus Severus Potter | alpotter
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy | scorp
James Sirius Potter | jamiepotter
Teddy Lupin | tedlupin
Lily Luna Potter | lilyluna
Rose Granger - Weasley | rosiegw
Hugo Granger - Weasley | hugowugo
Victoria Weasley | vic
Dominique Weasley | domw
Louis Weasley | louisweasel
Molly Weasley | molly420
Lucy Weasley | lucifer
Fred || Weasley | freddy
Roxanne Weasley | roxy
Lysander Scamander | scamander1
Lorcan Scamander | scamander2

Own Characters:

Alice Longbottom | alicelongbottom
Augusta Longbottom | augustaschlongbottom
Amelia Parkinson | miapark
Alexander Flint | alexxx

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