Chapter 2

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I heard a familiar voice that wasn't Sam's.

"...that is rich, that's good, man, coming from you-"

"What!" I heard Sam say.

"Yes considering I just watched you over the last year! Huh? Ever since- ever since you've been out of uniform and McNally left-"

McNally? What do I have to do with anything? After hearing Oliver talk about me, I was curious.

"Name one time you saw me mope!"

"I watch you mope... on the inside. I know, that might not make any since, but I'll tell you, here's another thing, I'll bet you Marlo sees it too! And that's not fair. I've been on that side ehh with Zooey, and that was not a good place to be. It hurts and it screws with your head!"

There was a long pause. I was kinda scared to hear what Sam would say next.

" I miss her man. I wish I didn't but I do. I keep thinking about the future: kids, park on Sundays, real life, something more than this... with her."

I was speechless. He misses me? Then why is he still with Marlo? I thought he had moved on...gotten over me.

"You gotta tell Marlo."

It suddenly got quiet. Sam misses me. He still loves me. I felt panicky and nervous inside but I also felt happy. He wants a future with me. My mind replayed the moment when Sam tried to get me to go to the Penny. "-A mutt from the pound. Name it Boo Radley-" I let a small smile onto my lips and fell asleep.

Voicemails (A McSwarek fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now