Test Subject

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When I woke up, I was greeted pleasantly by the smiling blue-dusted face of my favorite monster. "Heya stranger." I teased, making eye contact as he grinned.

"Heya Sleeping Beauty. Did ya have a nice nap?" Sans asked, allowing me to stand up and stretch my joints as I spoke.

"Great nap." I reported. "Good conversation too. For an immature brat, I'd say-"

'Hey! I'm not immature!' Chara interupted, making me jump.

"I wasn't talking about you Chara, I was talking about Jace." I smiled, the purple-haired boy whipping towards me with a sour look.

It had only been a few minutes, but in the few moments I'd been asleep Sans did twice the work I could do in a day. I walked to Gaster's side as he studied the blueprints with a troubled expression. "Hey doc, I'm back in action. What's the deal?" I asked.

"There seems to be a delay about the separation chamber."

Mentally I thanked him for not giving the parts odd names. "What about it?" I pushed.

"It will not seal properly, but the exterior panels are lined correctly. There must be an internal component to adjust, but the opening..."

"I got this." I chirped, not bothering to let him finish. "I'm a small fry so I should be able to get in and fix it without dismantling the rest of the machine."

Gaster's expression seemed to falter as he shook his head. "I'm not sure that is a wise idea Cherry. It would be easiest to let Sans teleport in case we require a quick exit."

"Gaster I'm bright but I'm no genius. Sans is more useful helping you lot out while I do manual labor. Besides, I can take a shock. You and I both know I take a hit just as well, and escape just as easily."

"Yes but your magic is less trained than his. And it may not be just a 'shock' if something goes wrong."

"It's alright Gaster. I've been training with it. And Jace can warn me if there's danger." I smiled reassuringly, and Gaster sighed. Stepping aside slightly, he let me look at the glowing blueprints and the location of conflict. Studying it quickly, I nodded and headed toward the machine.

"Be careful, other wise we'll have to send Sans in." Jace quipped almost immediately, not bothering to look up from typing something out on his phone.

"Texting your girlfriend again?" I shot back, itching to irritate the grape-headed child. His face flushed red but he didn't grant me the satisfaction of a reaction. I smirked, happy enough with his silence to continue on with my life.

My sole magic eye lit up with magic, the white heart filling with bright red and sending plumes of excess magic particles from it. I took another look at the blueprints once again, then grabbed a few small tools, jammed them in my pocket and teleported with ease.

Once within the confined space of the machines interior chamber, I quickly located the source of the issue and went to work. Not surprisingly, it also played part in why the interior was such a small place. "The interior plating just fell loose and knocked some of the wiring out of place." I shouted from within the machine. Jace yelled something from the other side, but it was a tad too muffled to make out.

"I'm going to replace the wires and re-secure the interior panels. Sealing should be fixed after that and you'll be able to open it safely."

Once again Jace yelled in response, but all I got from it was his irritated tone. "I can't hear you guys from in here so Imma just do my job and get out." I announced, already halfway through fixing the wiring within the door.

What She Left Behind (Sequel To Soulless)Where stories live. Discover now