December 2016

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Rory paced around Luke's old apartment above the diner.  When she found out she was pregnant, Luke insisted she move in there, at no cost to her.  She'd been waiting to hear back from several publishers about her book.  Today, the biggest publisher was supposed to call her, and they'd made it sound as if they were going to offer her a deal.  They were supposed to call at two, and it was already a quarter past three.  Her nerves were getting the best of her because her livelihood depended on this book deal.  She knew there was no way she could raise the baby without any sort of help and wasn't sure she wanted to face a future dependent on other people's money.

Decorating for Christmas had helped distract her for the early part of the day, but the apartment was tiny and she didn't have many decorations.  Rory looked around and was pleased with her holiday décor.  She looked at the clock.  It was now half-past three.

Are they ever going to call? She wondered.

Then, as if on cue, her phone rang on the table.  She jumped and immediately went over to it, looking at the caller ID.  Pausing, she took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hello.  This is Rory Gilmore," she said trying to hide the trembling in her voice.  She was beyond shaking with anxiety.

"Rory, this is James with Penguin.  I believe we spoke last week," the gruff voice said on the other end.

"Yes, James.  I recall," she replied nervously.

"I've called to discuss the terms of your contract.  We would normally do this in person, but I won't be around next week because of the holiday," he said.

Oh, my god! Rory squealed in her head.

"I understand," she said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

James went on to lay out the terms of Rory's contract.  They were basic, common elements that she had expected after reading up on publishing contracts.  He explained that this was a verbal agreement for the time being until she could come in and sign off on the paperwork.  It would allow her time to read through the terms and consult a lawyer if she desired.  Before hanging up, she made an appointment to go to their offices in Hartford after the first of the year.

"Thank you very much, James," Rory said.

"We look forward to seeing you in January.  I'm sure we will see great things from you!"

She ended the call and waited a moment before she started jumping up and down while cheering.  A minute later there was a frantic knock on the door, followed by Luke flinging open the door to see Rory dancing about.

"Luke!" she said surprised by his sudden arrival.

"Rory, geez, you scared the hell out of me!  I thought something happened to you and you were hurt," he replied sounding relieved.

"No, I just got some really good news.  That's all.  I was doing a happy dance," she explained.

"Are you sure that's ok in your condition?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Luke.  It was just a little bouncing.  This thing is barely the size of a kidney bean.  I doubt there's much harm a little jumping can do," Rory replied.

"What's your good news?"

"You'll find out at dinner tonight," she replied.  "We're still on, aren't we?"

"Yes, I'm bringing the burgers and fries," Luke said.

The pair stood in an awkward silence for a few minutes.  "Well, I'd better get back downstairs before Cesar gives out the Wi-Fi password!  He's got too much sympathy for those damn laptoppers."

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