Auld Lang Syne

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"Logan...." Rory's voice trailed off as she got choked up.

"I was so stupid to let you go, Ace," he started.  "I don't know why it took me standing at the altar about to get married to figure it out, but here I am."

"You were in the middle of the wedding?" she asked in disbelief.

He nodded.  "The only thing I could think of was you, and I began to question why I was marrying someone I didn't love."

Rory began to cry.  Logan got up off his knee to console her.  He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him.  She didn't know if it was pregnancy hormones, or if she was truly touched by his revelation.  She suspected it was a little of both.

"It's alright," he said softly as he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

They stood on the steps of the diner for a few moments as the snow continued to fall around them.  What should have been a happy moment for Rory, left her an emotional mess.  She wanted to say yes to Logan's proposal but felt he should know about the baby before she gave him an answer.  She felt that full disclosure was the best way to go.

"Let's go inside," she said quietly.

"Good, because I'm starting to get a little cold," he replied with a gentle smile.

After they were inside Rory's apartment, Logan swept her into his arms once again.  Instinctively, she wrapped her arm around him just as she'd done so many times before.  He looked into her piercing blue eyes, and he kissed her with an intense passion that had been building since she said goodbye in New Hampshire.

Oh, my god, this feels so amazing, but I have to tell him about the baby, she thought.

When they broke the kiss, she gave him a serious look.

"Is something wrong, Ace?" he asked.

"No, I mean, yes......kind of," she replied.

"Talk to me," he stated.

"Let's sit down for this," she suggested.

"Wait!" he said.  "Am I completely wrong for coming here?  I can just leave right now if that's what you want -" he was interrupted by Rory.

"No, it's not that," she started and paused.  "I just.....I just don't know how to say this...."

"Then let's not think about it right now," he recommended wanting to avoid any conflict that could mar their reunion.

"I wish I could, but this just can't wait."

Looking into his eyes, she took a deep breath and laid all the cards on the table for him. 

"I'm pregnant," she said and waited for his reaction.


Logan sat in stunned silence.  He couldn't believe what he'd just heard.  Rory was pregnant.  Those words jumbled around in his brain, not making any sense.  None of it made any sense.

"Are you sure?" he asked tentatively, but he knew the answer.  She wouldn't have said it if she didn't have definitive proof.

Rather than answer immediately, she got up and retrieved a picture from her desk.

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied and handed him the sonogram picture.

Whoa, I can't believe what I'm looking at, he thought.  Is this really, OUR child?

"Is this......our....." his voice trailed off before he could finish the question.

"Mmm hmmm," she replied.

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