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BY: Non_Exquisite



    After I go inside Ming's room, I look around but Ming isn't here, where is he? I notice his phone on the night stand. I walk over and pick it up. It's off so I attempt to turn it on. The screen flashes to life. So it wasn't dead. He turned it off on purpose. What the hell Ming. Is this you trying to avoid me? But why? Suddenly there is this pain in my chest at the thought, what is this feeling. Why is he distancing himself from me? I haven't done anything to him, at least I don't think I have , so why avoid me. I don't understand anything right now and the only person who can clear all this up is avoiding me.

    I'm walking to check the bathroom when he walks out. He must have just taken a shower because he only has a towel on. He looks shocked to see me but when I see him I don't know what comes over me, relief maybe? The worry that had settled into my heart was lifted and I couldn't control myself. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. I held him tight in my arms and relinquished in his warmth. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Ming, do you know how important you are to me?

    "Yo?" I feel him put his arms around me and hold me tight. "Yo, what's wrong" he says, I cant stop crying. He keeps holding me and it feels so right to be in his arms right now. I don't want to ever be a time when I lose this feeling.

    After some time I finally calm down some what. "Ming, I was so worried about you. Why did you turn off your phone. Do you know how many times I tried to call you. You had me worried sick!" I feel a bit irritated now and step away from him as my rant continues but my hands stay at his sides.

    "I'm sorry, Yo" he says as he brings his hands to my face to wipe my tears and I let him. His looking into my tear filled eyes and he sounds like he means it and I can't bring myself to  yell and be angry with him any more. Then I realized I have been holding him while his naked, am I shameless, damn this is kind of embarrassing. Looking down trying to hide my face, I never noticed before but Ming has a good, nice, toned body. Like a swimmer's. And that trail leading...oh my god, bad idea. I look away quickly. What the hell am I thinking. Yo, this is your best friend stop looking it isn't right. Am I blushing. Sh*t. I hope my face isn't red. I look back up trying to avoid looking down. But wait...

    "Ming what happened to your face!?" He was a cut on his lip, forehead, a small bruise on his cheek and one on his shoulder. "Did you get into a fight?" I ask even though I already know the answer. I take his hands in mine to check his hand and sure enough they are bruised from hitting something hard. All the memories rush back to me of him fighting in the past, getting hurt, one time he even broke a finger and acted like it was nothing. That was the time I made him promise not to get into unnecessary fights. It scares me when he gets into those situations. "Ming you promised!" I'm crying now, I can't help it. I swear today the tears just keep flowing. I can't even remember the last time I shed so many tears. What if something more than just a broken finger happened, I don't want to lose him and the thought of that ever happening scares me. This fear just gripes at my heart and won't let go.

    "I know, I'm sorry, but something happened and it couldn't be avoided" he starts wiping my tears with his other hand that I'm not holding. "The guy hit me first, They had a problem with Golf, so they came after me as well. Please don't cry Yo"

    "You were with P'Golf?" P'Golf is Ming's cousin from his dad's side. I truly think that Ming got his fighting spirit from his dad. They're one and the some. I've seen them fighting before and it's like I'm watching two different people and with the same soul.

    "Yeah" -Ming.

    "Then why did you turn off your phone? I tried to call you so many times"

    "I'm sorry, there was something I had to do" -Ming.

    "What is it?"

    "Don't worry about it, it's all good now" Is he lying? His not looking at me anymore, what is he keeping from me?

    "Is it the reason you left me earlier?"


    His holding my hand a little tighter now and my heart skips a bit. I can't read the look in his eyes and it scares me that it might be something bad. "It's all good now. I just needed to talk things out and wrap my head around a few things. Don't worry so much ok" His looking down, averting his eyes and I can't help but feel anxious about what his not telling me. His not even going to try to explain? I've been worried sick and now you're giving me absolutely nothing!

    We've been though a lot together and today was the first time I seen him cry in a long time. Could this really be about P'Phana? F*ck. Are they really involved in a situation I don't know about? But why would he cry about that. All these thoughts are going through my mind as I try to come up with some kind of reasoning for Ming's behaviour earlier.

    Wait could it be...Ming likes P'Phana too. It makes sense, finding out you and your best friend like the same person could be very overwhelming.

    But no, I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I can't believe it. Ming can't like P'Phana. It just doesn't make sense. His never even expressed a single bit of attraction to men. I need to get to the bottom of this because I don't want to keep having these unreasonable theories about something I have zero understanding in. Ming and I need to talk properly in order for my head to not feel like it's about to explode, and this feeling of uncertainty is really bothering me now. I don't know if it's because he might like P'Phana or that he likes someone period. His never liked someone before and I'm not sure how I feel about it. But if he likes phana I need to tell him that phana isn't gay. Now I'm starting to get the feeling that this is a second sign for me to give up on P'Phana.

    I go to the closet and get him a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and boxers and bring them to him. Him being naked isn't helping this situation either, too distracting. "Here, go get dressed. You'll catch a cold like this" There is so much in my head and I can't deal with it all unless I talk with Ming properly. He goes back into the bathroom and closes the door.

    I take the time to get the first aid kit from the dresser that I bought for him to use when he got hurt from his fights. I honestly don't know the real reason he felt the need to put himself in those situations. For some reason he was always fighting with someone, the fights were usually due to different of opinion, and Ming never backed down once he set his mind on something.

    I've made the decision to stay the night so I call my dad and let him know I'd be staying over, then I make a phone call to Chanyeol and let him know I will be spending the night. Even though I know they won't be leaving any time soon, I have to let them know so some one can come and change shifts with them later, along with the guards in the second car. Yeah my dad made sure I'm guarded 24/7. After all the stuff that happened when I was a kid, when Mom died and my brother almost lost his life, he made sure we were never alone even if it looked like it. It was a scary time for all of us.

    I go to the closet and get my sleeping cloths, just a simple pair of shorts and t-shirt. I've been here so many times that Ming gave me my own space in his closet. It's convenient because I don't have to worry about a change of clothes if we decide to come straight here after school.

    He comes out of the washroom wearing the clothes I picked out. I didn't notice before but did he get a bit taller, I have to crane my neck a little more now when I look at him up close. For some reason it makes me feel all giddy inside. Is that normal? "Go change then you can fix me up ok?" He gave me that smirk and winked at me before I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. My face is hot, am I blushing? And what is this weird feeling in my belly? I must be really hungry, I haven't had dinner yet.

To Be Continued...

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