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"Ma'am, Our deal with the European clients was finalised. They are very much happy about this project", said a man with nerdy glasses sitting on the passenger seat of the black Rolls Royce. His hair was perfectly oiled and he looked nothing but a well disciplined, studious boy sitting in front of his maths teacher. The young woman at the back seat, who was immersed in her laptop, just nodded her head in approval without moving her gaze. Her straight long tresses covered her face partially and the dark round sunglasses, hiding the emotions of her almond shaped eyes. "Ma'am.. Shall I fix their appointment by 20th of this month?", he asked turning around and she nodded her head in agreement again still not averting her gaze from the laptop screen.

"Ma'am.. I don't think it's a good idea to buy this Bungalow", he said and she snapped her head towards him. "I know what I'm doing Rohan. I don't want any of your advices", she replied back curtly, moving her gaze again towards her laptop. "Sorry Ma'am", he mouthed quicky in a low tone and turned around. It's so true that he is scared of his boss but he respects her genuinely. He heard so many stories about this Bungalow, from people around there. And everyone stated the same thing... It is haunted. On one hand, he don't want his boss to get into any trouble on the other hand he himself was a little scared to step into that haunted house. But he didn't know why she is after that Bungalow, when she owns so many already. Every person will be fond of something, that he wishes to collect so many things of that kind. And here, his boss Ms. Sonakshi Bose, is fond of collecting Huge ancient bungalows and trendy cars!

He can't understand what attracts her towards these materialistic things, but yes he very well knew that she is very much fascinated towards such things. She owned more than a dozen of Villas and Bungalows all over the world and her craze for cars were no less as she uses a car only once in a month. But being one of the top billionaires of the country, she is not a spoiled brat. She took over the traditional business of her family when she was just 19, and still now after seven long years, she proves herself to be one of the top business women of the town. Her life made her a rude and introvert person. To the world, she has everything but she has only one to be called as her world.. Her Bruno.. Her 8 year old golden retriever! She lost her parents at a very young age of 6 and since then, she was grown up by her very strict grand father. But after his death, 7 years ago she was forced to look after the companies he had left for her.

Being lonely without getting the love from anyone, made her a tough and strong young woman. With time, her fond for unique things grew up and it was then she came to know about this more than a century old Bungalow in the middle east India. She so wanted to own it and did it right away, without caring about the rumours that spread wide in that village. She was very much fascinated by the building, just by a mere look of it and thus she bought it within seconds. It was the first time that she is going to look at that huge villa and she is very much excited about it. After all, when all the women are fascinated by jewellery, she had worn nothing but a single stoned ruby ring on her right hand. She loved being unique and loved to own things that are unique.

Finally, the car came to halt and Rohan rushed out to open the door for his two bosses, Sonakshi and her Bruno. "Wow!", she muttered, as she stepped out, removing her glasses, as her dark brown eyes sparkled by seeing the huge Bungalow in front of her, which looked more like a palace. Rohan gulped down, looking at the same, as the words of the villagers rang in his ears. His trance broke hearing Bruno bark aloud getting out of his sophisticated car. "Do you like it bruno?", Sonakshi asked bending down to his level, ruffling his hair. He barked once, licking her hand, as sonakshi smiled understanding his approval. "Then let's get in", she said and they both walked in, leaving a shivering rohan behind. If he could, he will straightaway run from there to Mumbai. But to his bad luck, he can't.

"This is the best one that I ever had since now", Sonakshi said looking at the well furnished interiors in the huge hall way. Everything looked perfect to her, from the white with blood red coloured walls to the huge chandelier hanging at the middle of the hall, with thousands of sharp glass pieces, showing only the reflection of her in them. Rohan stood behind her, looking around silently as fear started engulfing him, looking at the strange empty palace with graveyard silence. "I've decided something", Sonakshi said breaking his reverie. "Ma'am shall we return by evening? If you want we will return within an hour too. I will make every arrangements", he said taking his phone but she shushed him off. "We are going to stay here for a week. Make arrangements for that", she said making him almost faint. "A week?", he asked in shock. "May be a day or two after that too", she said walking in, as Bruno walked behind her. Rohan stood there frozen, panting heavily as the fear of living there for a week, shook him apart. "Meow!!", he heard a cat scream in its loudest voice and freaked out of the room, following sonakshi.

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