#Chapter Four.

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Trying my best to make this book more Interesting for you guys.

Last chapter it wasn't that steamy ,had to cut it off tho .

This chapter is about how laila and james will start hitting it off more .

Next Chapter , Steamy ;) !

Enjoy <3 <3

Laila's POV :

James looked at me again .. with those big green eyes .

So what are we now Laila ?

I don't know james.. I mean what happened upstairs.. meant something for sure

but how do i know that your loyal to your words? ..

Im just afraid that you are going to play me like you did with alot of girls from school

The girls you made do your homework? you know those girls have feelings as well?

How do i know you won't do it to me?

This is what was i trying to avoid James.. Getting hurt .. I just don't..

He cut me off while i was trying to finish my sentence

Laila.. didn't you wonder how did i do this party at my house.. with my strict parents ?

I mean yeah .. it didn't cross my mind until you mentioned it now .

Well listen, My dad is sick , He is not well at all . so i was taking care of him after school , since my mum is working .. So i had no time to do my homework , so i made those two girls do my homework .

And before you tell me that i have no heart for making this party while my mum is near my dad at the hospital , I was near him after school while you where sleeping .

Waiit how do you know i was sleeping? ..

Well when i got home and my mum told me she got dad to the hospital , i ran off to your door to talk to you , and tell you about my dad.. i needed you to comfort me

So when your little brother opened the door and told me that you are sleeping . I left to the hospital .

Then i came home and i needed to do something to grab your attention so i can as well tell you how i feel about you .

Ohh .. James .. I didn't know im so so sorry about your dad

Shh.. Shh *as he touched my face*

It's not your fault baby . ok ?


Yeah Laila? ..

What do you want us to be ?

More then friends? .. Just saying Laila I don't want to use you for sex. That's up to you !

I know ..

Laila, Will you go on a date with me ?

I would be honored to James *Smiles*

So be ready tomorrow night at 7pm ok ? .

Il be waiting for you near your porch James .

He grabes my face and kisses me , waves goodbye .

I wave back and get back to my house .

I got in and found my mum cooking, my little brother watching We bear bears .

Oh i love that show Dean !! May i join ?

Sure fatass JOIN *rolls his eyes*

Hey no swearing in this house KIDS !

But mum it was DEAN not me !

I know darling. Dinner is ready in 20 .


After i ate food , i kissed my mum goodnight and waved my brother as well .

I went upstairs straight to the bathroom , i showered quickly and ran into my room with only a towel on

When i got in my room i checked my window to see if its covered with the curtains

It was covered *pheww* !!

i got dressed and sat on my bed on my phone

I recieved a text from Chloe

Saying : Hey Laila , James broke up with me yesterday .. can you believe that?

What am i going to tell Chloe now?..

I don't want it to seem like i stole him from her ..

Hey Chloe .. Yeah well he asked me out tonight.. I mean.. I'm going to be honest with you Chloe .. He only asked you out because he wanted to make me jealous .. When he told me that i told him that he only made me mad.. also a bit jealous .. it worked.. He told me that he broke it off with you.. But i feel bad Because your my bestie .. I'm Sorry Chloe.. please forgive me .

LAILA Omg REALLY?? He asked you out ? ?? !!! are you kidding ?? YES FINALLY HE DID IT !!!!

Wait what ???

Laila I'm not mad at you , I'm glad !!! I knew what his intention was.. That's why i denied it when you told me stuff in the bathroom remember ? i knew what he was going to do gurl !!! GO FOR IT

Omg Chloe.... You guys both planned this ?

Yeah we did but James didn't tell anyone about it but me . He said that he just broke up with me .

Ohh Chloe what would i do without you .

Laila you better tell me the deeds tomorrow !!! Goodnight love you bestie xoxo Good luck !

Goodnight babe i will trust me xx Thanks !


As i was going to sleep ...

As i lay my head down on my pillow to ACTUALLY sleep .

I heard noises on my window , TIK TIK TIK

I opened the curtains as i look down to see what it was , there was no one down but as i looked at James Window ..

I see him there throwing small rocks on my window.

James what are you doing , It's 11pm at night !!

I couldn't sleep princess , so i thought I'd wake you up *winks*

I was awake anyways.. But still.. Don't do that !! *ugh*

Ok relax Laila , Can you come over? ..

What? NOW? ..

Yeah now.. I was going to watch a movie since i can't sleep .. and I'm bored alone

Mum is at the hospital near dad .. so i guess .. you know..

What? don't tell me you get scared By yourself? or is it a cover up just to get laid ?

Really Laila? Your going to ring that bell?

No i don't want you over to use you , i just want company , and your what i want as company !

Can you come or not?

Fine James. Open the door in 5 minutes . See you soon!

See you Princess *


So guys.. This one wasn't a steamy chapter

But 100% the next chapter is steamy as hell so be ready ;)

I hope that your enjoying this . I will update again later on today .

Love Shanise! <3

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