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Darkness was all Uraraka could see. She tried opening her eyes...

First attempt... Nothing happened

Second attempt... Nothing happened

Third attempt... She finally opened her eyes

She found herself in a dimly lit room. Her hands were tied behind her back and were covered with gloves. She turned her head to the sound of a low chuckle. She turned her head to see Tomura Shigaraki, leaning on the wall with the most sinister smile in the world.

"You guys are really annoying you know. Foiling our plans, interfering left and right." He said. "But look at you know. Your class is in a state of chaos and we have to of their students locked up. One of them being VERY important."

"What did you do to Deku?" She asked in a cold tone.

"Remember when we ran into each other at that one big shopping center?"

She remembered. She could still see the image of Izuku being choked by Tomura's hand. They were both scared for their lives. Even to this very day she still sometimes gets nightmares about it.

"Well you see, we always like to be one step we plan. You guys really made it easier leaving Midoriya alone like that. It gave us the perfect opportunity for a long term plan. Imagine, a growing parasite in UA that nobody suspects. With the teachers being too dumb to notice their making it stronger..." He explained.

"What...did you do?" She asked again.

"It's simple. We managed to invent this special serum that slowly affects the mind over time. The materials were both very rare and expensive, so we could only make one syringe worth. And who better to use it on than goody-two-shoes Midoriya, a person no one would expect to betray UA. All we had to do was wait for the right time and poof, bring out the trigger and capture him."

She took a minute to take in all of this information. Then her eyes were covered by a blindfold and she was forcefully being moved. On the way, they put some type of collar on her neck and removed her restraints and gloves. She was tossed into a room and she felt another presence inside it. They removed the blindfold and shut the door, locking her inside. She looked to her right and saw a teen with green hair with cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Deku-kun!" She shouted as she ran to his side. He looked really banged up.

"Ura....raka..?" He managed to whimper out. He tried sitting up, but he would feel pain with every small movement he'd make. He tried saying something else, but he was in too much pain to even speak.

"What did they DO to you???" She asked as she tried to nurse his wounds.

He was about to answer, but his mind went completely blank. He couldn't think straight and he was losing consciousness. He slowly closed his eyes and he was pretty damn sure his heart stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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