Chap. 15

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"Come on! Let's go to breakfast, I'm hungry!" I called to Isabella who was straightening her hair

"Hold on" she replied

"Ugh" I moaned, sprawling out on the sofa

I was wearing a black low cut top and blue jean shorts with a red flannel tied around my waist. I had my hair half up half down with a red ribbon tied in my hair.

I got up and walked over to the door and put on my black wedged boots to make me look a little taller

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I got up and walked over to the door and put on my black wedged boots to make me look a little taller.

I grabbed my phone and slid it in my pocket and opened the door, "I'm going" I sang as I slowly crept out the door

"Wait wait wait" Is said as she slid on a.pair of beige dolly shoes, she was wearing a black body suit that looked really cute on her

pair of beige dolly shoes, she was wearing a black body suit that looked really cute on her

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And then we left for breakfast- meeting Ace and Noah there

"Hey guys" I said taking a seat next to Isabella "how was your first night?"

"Well it would have been great if chatterbox over here could learn to shut up" Ace grunted

"Well sorry for wanting to have a conversation" Noah whined

"Yeah not at 3 O clock in the morning"

"I just wanted to-"

I zoned out of their bickering when I noticed 6 men all wearing black, they looked kinda suspicious. They were walking around as if they were looking for something or someone.

Maybe it's just my mind, let's enjoy the holiday

"-earth to Mya!" I eventually heard Ace and snapped back to the conversation

"Huh?" I questioned

"What's got you so distracted?" Is asked

"Nothing, it's just there's a big group of men in black over there... I've just spent too much time in the training quad" I chuckled

They all looked to where the men were and looked back at me

"I don't know... let's just hope that what ever business they have here- they keep it to themselves" Ace commented

"Yeah, lets just pretend we didn't see them and have a good time here" Noah agreed.

"So lets go get breakfast" I said clapping my hands together. And we all left to retrieve some food.


As we were walking along the path and Noah was reading out things to do today while Ace and Is agreed or disagreed, I couldn't help but think about those men

"I'm just gunna go get my jumper from my room,  I'll meet you near the park" I said

"Can't you just wear your flannel?" Ace asked

"Nope" I simply replied, he looked as if he were waiting for an explanation

"Oookay... I'll be back in a minute" I smile and walked off

I went back into the main building, searching the corridors, till I came to a big black door that was slightly cracked open.

I peeked in to see what was in there and heard muffled voices. I looked further down into the room and saw the men again, all gathered around a table arguing about something

"-they're here somewhere" one said

"And they're going to find us" another spoke up

"Let's just keep an eye out... lets go" the first said again and they all started to walk to the door I was standing behind


I leaped back and scampered along the hallway and back to my room.

I wonder what that was about?

I grabbed my baby blue hoodie and threw it over me and went back to the others in the park

"You took your time" Isabella said as I walked up to them

"Oh sorry" I smiled

"So we decided to go to the bar for a little while" Noah started

"Alright let's go" I said turning on my heel and walking to the bar near the main building

Once we got in there we took a booth and sat down, looking at the menus

It looked like a diner but also quite modern, with green and white walls and marble flooring

"I'll go up and order" Is said "what do you all want?"

"Lemonade will do me" Ace started

"I'll have... a ... Diet Coke" Noah said

"Ooo diet? Staying on the healthy side are we?" Ace mocked

"Actually Diet Coke has a lot of fat content and less sugar, so it's just as bad to be honest" I grinned "and I'll have a strawberry milkshake please"

"Okay, one lemonade, one not so diet coke and one strawberry milk coming up" she smiled and walked to the bar

"This place hasn't been so bad so far" Noah complimented "we've had good weather"

"Well don't jinx it" Ace dead panned


Noah was cut off my the sound of an ear-shattering gunshot.

And so we meet againWhere stories live. Discover now