The Day He Meet Her

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The sun was shining brightly as the warmth seeped into a young twelve-year-old tan skin. He faintly smiled when a soft breeze rustled through his brown hair, cooling his body to standable temperatures. The boy didn't want to leave the wide open field, free from any living being that would further discriminate him for breathing. He could not flee the freedom he felt at this abandon park. It just felt so reassuring to be far away from all the negativity he brought any person with just his presents. Only here where the rusted old swings sway with the wind, the slide that laid on its side, and the monkey bars scattered all over the place in pieces was he truly able to smile with no worries in sight. Not even his dreadful family could steal this peaceful haven away. This is his only gift so-called God gave him, and that he was at least grateful for.

As the sweet relief of being evaded like the plague distinguished, his eyelids weighed down as the comfort of safety wrapped around his fragile body like a newly made blanket. And there he slept as the sun reached its end and said good-bye while greeting the moon with a farewell, good night. Taking the invitation, the moon disbursed the cold everywhere the darkness touched, destroying the safety that helped the lonely boy feel in order to stay asleep.

With the swarming cold that consumed the air, the boy awoke from the alarming tingling sensation upon his skin. All he could do was shiver in fear as his eyes saw the blackened sky that vanished all stars for the living to see. This was bad, he wasn't supposed to be outside when the night came. His father was probably at the end of the dirt road that lead to his safe zone. The boy knew all to well that he wouldn't be greeted with any warning from a caring parent. Only the usual bare knuckle punch to the gut is all he will be welcomed to, not including the stomach acid that would storm up his throat and splatter wherever his mouth happens to aim. He can only hope he misses the man's shoes so he would be able to get nothing more than that gut wrenching pain.

In a quick panic, the boy slipped a curse word through his lips before struggling to stand with half his body still asleep. With most of his best efforts to stand straight, he just fell back down to his hands and knees. Groaning from the pins and needles in his shines he looked up to see if his father was awaiting his bastard of a son. He focused his eyes to see passed the darkened surroundings and found something that brought him no relief. It was reassuring that he didn't see his father anywhere insight, yet this stranger standing before him in his bubble stood dangerously close.

Falling backward, the boy did his best to back away from this new comer, however, he didn't get far. Slamming his back right into a piece of the monkey bar that stuck out of the ground ended his route of escape. So much fear was building up inside of him, he couldn't help but hold up his hands with a fearful cry that followed behind.


His limbs were trembling as he could feel his tears rising. He couldn't look away from the girl as he plead to himself to not hurt her. She looked so clueless of his reaction and that made him feel worse. No matter what he was going to say she was going to stay right here in this abandoned park that was no longer safe for others to roam.

The boy didn't want to hurt her, he really didn't want to. He couldn't help it. No matter how hard he tried, someone always got hurt. It made him truly feel dead inside.

As he watched the girl with beautiful, long, wavy blond hair in the white gown, he felt his whole body become heavy. She seemed so nice and innocent, and that faint worry across her face made him feel so much worse. All he could do was cry silently as he grabbed his oversized shirt were his heart would be. He really didn't want to hurt her.

"Please runaway. I'm evil."

"Pft, what."

All his pain disappeared as he froze in shock as he stared at the girl who held a hand to her mouth to help hold back that strange sound she made. He didn't understand. What was she doing? What was that sound she made? It didn't sound like a scared kind of sound, but that didn't make any sense. Everybody feared him. Everybody! Why was she still even here? What was that look in her eyes? Why is she so...not in terrier? He could see no tension, no disbelief, not even a shiver or tremble. She was doing something he never seen any body do. Was this the sight of someone being happy. Does she not know? Do her parents want her to be safe and far away from him? What was she even doing out here?

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