Chapter 2: Mugman

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A/n: Hey guys I'm back after two days. Sorry for the slow updates if anyone reads this trash XD. Anyways let's get to the thing.
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Mugmans POV
Man, this girl sure is pretty! We've been talking since yesterday about lots of different stuff, like how we both like a lot of things. When she giggles its cute, me and cuppy think so, and when I tell her that she yells at me on how its not cute. Though it really is. She's like a tsundere, whatever that is. I reallly want to get her to know me better.

Cupheads POV
Oh man, this chick is adorable. She literally screams tsundere, she's hilarious. Shes an amazing cook too! She likes a lot of the same stuff me and mugman like, which is good because if she didn't, we would have some problems. I feel like something not right though, she recovered from the zombie attack yesterday way too quickly. Its not right.
I wonder if shes alright....

Y/n's POV
Jeez... Yesterday was crazy.....I haven't recovered fully yet, but I dont wanna look weird and uncomfortable in front of the guys... Mugman looked at me and said,"Ey, y/n? Are you alright?", I looked at him and said,"I'm fine! A OK!", he giggled and looked away. Phew! he didn't know im not fine!

Second pov
Mugmans looked at you and asked if he could talk to you. He asked you again to see if you were okay. You usee the 'I'm done' card again but he didn't but it. ,"tell me! I won't tell a soul. Not even Cuppy!", you decided to tell him what was troubling you, you told him about (real life prob going on in your life RN). As you did you start to tear up. As you tear up he hugs you and rubs small circles on your back, trying to comfort you. You cry into his chest, as he is a bit taller then you.

As he rubs your back he whispers things like,"shhhhh, you'll be fine", and,"it'll all be fine in the end." He gets you to look at him finally and he says,"I might not know how this feels to you, but I kniw that this has to hurt you. I know how it is to and Cuphead 's family was infected, and we can't do much about it.", he frowned, and you looked at him sniffling.

He was so comforting, that you stopped crying after a Lil bit. He used his hand to bring your chin up to see your face and said, "gee, you got a lot on your shoulders huh?", you nodded and sighed. He then let go of you and walked back to cuphead to leave you to rest.

Time skip brought to you byyyyy MUGMANS ADORABLE FACE-

the zombies Groaned outside. And when walked out you got a gun. Then you saw

T O. B E. C O N T I N U E D.

Yo sorry for not updating my zero readers
I've been busy with family and friends *cough cough, follow this person cough cough*

Bye byeeeee,
LeMEME. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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