Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 4

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Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 4 (Andy's P.O.V Again)

I got up to answer the door and was surprised to see a guy there holding Ashley by the back of his shirt. I looked to the guys and only Jinxx seemed to know what was going on because he dragged me outside with him to talk to this guy.

"Do you think you'll be able to help him?" Jinxx looked at the guy and the guy kind of grunted.

"Probably, but I'll need the two of you to come with me to help me." He smiled weirdly.

"Urm, that's brilliant, really... But who are you?" He sighed at my question and handed me his card. Turns out he was a psychiatrist (no idea how you're meant to spell it) and was here to help Ashley go back to the Purdy Perv that he was a few weeks ago.

Jinxx told the guys we were leaving and then headed out the hotel and towards where ever the hell this guys office was. When we got there he dropped Ashley on the sofa and me and Jinxx sat on the opposite side of the room, just watching what he was doing.

"Alright then Mr. Purdy... Tell us why you have such hatred towards Miss Biersack." Ashley bolted upright.

"Hatred? I... I don't hate her!" The guy sighed and showed him the text. "It was a spur of the moment, jealousy induced thing alright! If that tool," he pointed to me, "over there hadn't asked her to come back then we wouldn't be in this mess!" I stood up.

"MY fault?! Yes, of course it's my fault you had a mental f*cking breakdown! Tell you what, don't bother talking to me until you sort yourself out!" With that, I left Slamming the door behind me, I ran up to Jake and Jayy's room, where CC was too, and just broke down in tears.

Everyone else came over and tried to calm me down... It wasn't really working. I stayed there, crying for a while with no one daring to ask... Then, when Ashley and Jinxx walked in, I think they had to...

"Andy?" I looked up to face my sister. "What did he do?" I raised my eyebrow. "You know who I mean." I sighed.

"HE," I pointed to Ashley, "is trying to blame him being a prick on me!" I saw Jayy glare at him.

"Look Andy... I'm sorry alright. I'm sorry to all of you for being a total prick... But I'm alright now. Even Jinxx can vouch for me." I had to admit, he did sound... normal.

"Yup, the guy said he's now fine and should have another crazy repeat of last night and this morning." Jayy then mutter something which only I heard.

"You'll still be a prick though..." I laughed to myself... Jayy was brilliant when she got going. I guess she realised I'd heard because we both burst out laughing when we made eye contact. Everyone was just giving us weird looks and raised eyebrows...

"Sorry, my little sister's just busy being a comical genius." She smiled and then stood up, taking a ridiculously exaggerated bow, and then falling over and knocking Jake over too. They were so clumsy it was unreal.

We were all just sat lazing around until Ashley stood up and started to leave. We were all giving him questioning looks when he turned around.

"I need to go back and try to find what I was looking for this morning..." With that, he left. After about five minutes of silence, I got up.

"Guys, I'm going to find out what the hell he's looking for. I wont be too long." They all nodded and I ran out to the forest. I saw Ashley and decided to keep my distance from him. 

He sat down in a clearing and I hid behind a tree, still watching. He pulled a bag out from under a rock, looked throught it and then put it back, before leaving. I decided to go over and find out what it was.

I sat where he sat and pulled out the bag from where he left it. I unzipped it, surprised at finding a little book, full of his regrets. I read thtough them and was surprised by the main one:

"My biggest regret, was dating Jayy Biersack a few years ago. I don't mean it in a bad way to her, I mean it in the way that it totally messed up our friendship... We could have just been good friends, like her and CC or her and Jinxx... But no! I dated her and turned into a prick... I really want to just be friends, nothing else, it'd be nice... I think even the guys hate me... I really need to sort it out soon... I'm suck a f-cking idiot!"

I slipped the book back in the bag, zipped it back up, and then put it back before heading back up to the hotel. On the way, I knoecked a girl over and had to help her back up. I felt like such a dick when she realised who I was and her face lit up. She went to scream and I had to put my hand over her mouth.

"Please don't. Me, Jake and Jayy kind of don't want people knowing we're staying here." She nodded, and when I removed my hand I noticed she's been crying. "Are you alright?" She shook her head. "Tell you what, I'm guessing you wont tell me in such a public place?" She shook her head. "Well if you come up to my room will you tell me." She nodded and then followed me into my room. "Right, so what happened?" She sighed.

"Well, I was kicked out of my house by my parents, can't go get my stuff, everyone at my school hates me and that's only the start!" She sat down. 

"You're a fan right?" She nodded.

"Yup. You guys are the reason that I'm here today." I smiled.

"Well then. How about, we'll get you some new stuff, and you can stay with us while we're touring... Then you wont have to worry about school." She smiled but then it dropped...

"I can't let you guys do that." She sighed.

"Well, we're going to anyway whether you want us too or not." I stuck my tongue out at her and she smiled in thanks, just as Jayy walked in and raised her eyebrow towards me.

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now