Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 10

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Before I start I'd just like to say thank you guys for the comments, votes and reads and stuff on this :)

Also, it goes back to Andy's point of view so you don't automatically find out the end of the sentence even though you'd know what it is anyway if you read the last chapter comments.


Dear Jayy, It's My Fault - Part 10 - Andy's P.O.V

I was thinking about how sweet it was that Jake and Jayy were engaged. I was so happy for her since she'd had a pretty shitty life when it came to relationships. Not even just with boyfriends and stuff but with family too... Especially me.

I swear, I'd only ever tried to do the best for her but... It never really worked. I always just went into 'overprotective brother' mode and she hated it. I had to admit, I did too. I had promised myself I would change but it hadn't really worked. I still felt a little weirded out by the fact Jake was eight years older than her but at the end of the day, he was nice with her... Plus I was alright with her and Ashley and he was ten years older... Plus she was younger at the time.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing in my pocket. It was Jayy... I answered it quickly, also noticing that it was already one in the afternoon.

"Hey little sister. You alright?"

"Hi Andles." I can remember her calling me that when we were little... She hadn't for ages. "And no I'm not really. Can you come round?" 

"Sure I can. What's wrong?" She sighed.

"I'd rather just tell you when I see you."

"Erm, alright then. I'll be there as soon as I can." She thanked me and hung up. 

I quickly pulled on my Batman t-shirt and hoodie before grabbing my keys and jumping in my car. I was worried about Jayy but pushed the thought to the back of my mind before the over-protective side showed up.

When I pulled up outside their bungalow I noticed Jake's car was gone and Jayy was sat in the window with the front door wide open. This wasn't like her... I stepped in and shut the door behind me, seeing a note beside the door. It said:


I had to go out. Phone's dead so sorry you can't contact me.


I continued into the front room and noticed my little sister had been crying. I knew it was over Jake and felt a little angry. She had a phone in her hand, more importantly it was Jake's phone and it kept buzzing in her hand.

"I'm guessing his phone wasn't dead then?" Jayy looked and me and shook her head. She threw me the phone.

"Just read the stuff that's being texted." I unlocked it and started reading some of them.

Jakey, ditch the loser and come see me today, yeah?x - Olivia

 Jake, if you stay with that loser today you know what I'll do x - Olivia


I dropped the phone and ran over to hug my little sister. I automatically checked her arms and when I was satisfied with seeing no fresh cuts, I pushed her sleeves back down. 

"You want me to stay here with you today until he gets back?" She nodded. "Good because I really want to see him explain himself to you." She playfully punched my arm.

"Can you call the guys and Alice to come round? I want to explain this today them before they hear a shitty Jake explaination." I laughed and nodded, pulling out my phone to text Jinxx, CC, Ashley and Alice:

Dear Jayy, It's My Fault (Sequel to Dear Andy, I'm Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now