Chapter 2: Meet the Family

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We sat there for a while, Sam, Dean, and I. The man I knew now as Hershel was on the other side of the table with his two daughters who I learned to be Maggie and Beth. Hershel couldn't believe what I told him.

"So The Darkness?" Hershel started.

"Amara." Dean said, a little uncomfortable.

"She did this?" Hershel asked.

"Yes." I said, pausing for a second. "She made it so that there would be no cure. She has a disease before that, it was transferred through this fog. You never heard about that? People getting extremely violent?"

Hershel and his daughters shook their heads. I looked to Sam and Dean.

"Where's God in all of this?" Beth asked.

"He... he was captured by Amara." Sam replied. We all saw as their faces lost their color. We were killing their hope.

Hershel immediately stood up. "Maggie, I believe we have an extra tent, but I don't believe it will fit more than two. Would you get that for them? They will be sleeping outside with the others." Maggie left, but I was focused on Hershel. I could tell he was mad that we brought this news to him.

"Hershel I'm..." I started to say.

Without looking me in the eyes, he cut me off. "You three should go outside and wait for Maggie."

"But..." I said again.

"Now... please."

We complied. I looked to Sam and Dean, and they didn't see to be as sympathetic as I was. We walked down the porch steps and saw everyone outside looking at us. It was still dark out, but the fire illuminated their faces.

An Asian guy came up to us and held out his hand. "I guess you're staying here too. I'm Glenn."

We all awkwardly stood there for a second until Sam shook his hand. "Sam."

"Yeah. You said." He smiled. "Well let me introduce you to everyone.

We walked around, Dean followed hesitantly. We first went to the sheriff. "This is Rick. He's kinda our leader."

He then gestured the the woman with her black hair in a ponytail. "And this is Lori, Rick's wife."

"Hi" Sam and I said in unison.

He then went to a woman with very short gray hair. "This is Carol."

"Welcome" She said with a smile, but I could sense she was hiding something under that smile. I smiled back anyways.

"That is T-Dog, Andrea and Dale." They waved. Andrea still seemed skeptical of us.

"That is Shane" He said pointing to the douche from earlier, none of us smiled or waved. We all simply frowned at each other.

"Umm okay. And this is Daryl."
He said pointing to the redneck with the crossbow.

I waved, but he barely acknowledged my existence. Maggie then came up to us and shared an awkward glance with Glenn. "Um your tent is ready." She said pointing to a small tent not too far from us.

Sam, Dean, and I all looked at each other, wondering how we were gonna all fit together. "I know it's small, but I bet Glenn can find another available spot for one of you." Maggie said. "Right Glenn?"

"Yeah, yeah I can do that."

"Good. I'll see y'all in the morning." Maggie said before leaving to go back into the house.

"You guys can take the tent. I'll find some place." I told Sam and Dean.

"Annie, you don't..."

"No it's okay. I'll see you guys in the morning." I said, giving them a reassuring smile. I knew they were about to point out that I don't sleep, but I think these people have seen and learned enough today. I don't think they'd be comfortable knowing I was up and moving the whole night.

I looked to Glenn. "Oh yeah. Umm well no tent spaces are open. I don't think..." Glenn's eyes then landed on Daryl as he was walking away to his tent that was on the other side of the farm. "Oh there's a space with him."

I sighed, knowing that sneaking out of the tent with him would probably be a pain in the ass. "Here let me go ask him." Glenn ran after Daryl and I looked around. Sam and Dean were already in the tent. I then looked to the sheriff, he looked distressed. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm... yeah. I'm okay. Thank you."

"Are you sure? Cause I know okay. And you don't look it."

"My son. My son was shot." Rick replied.

"Oh." I paused. "Is he?"


"Where is he?"

Rick then looked up at the house. I sighed, then started walking over. After a while of walking I turned around. "Well you coming?"

Rick was flustered but then called for his wife. He then with his wife followed me into the house. I looked to him when we got inside.

"Where?" I asked.

He didn't answer, just ran to a room. His wife Lori and I followed. I went into the room to see a young shirtless boy, passed out on a bed. I sat on the bed and felt his head. He was burning. I then looked to Rick for approval and he nodded. I touched the boy's forehead, a light shining from under my hand, and healed him.

I got up from the bed and looked down at the kid. Rick and Lori quickly moved the blanket and removed his bandages to find that all his wounds were gone. They looked back at me.

"Thank you" Lori said. "Thank you so much."

I tried to say "You're welcome", but instead everything went black.

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