Chapter 6: Goodbye Boys

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A/N: Decided to add some backstory...

Annie was the last angel that God made, and she was made for one mission and one mission only: to look over the Winchester boys. She was given her own body so that she could go to Earth. She faked being one of the victims on one of the hunts that John and his 14 year old son Dean went on. Being that Annie's body was made to look similar to Mary WInchester, when John saw her with her "parents" dead, he was driven by his emotions and decided to take her in. She hunted with John, Sam, and Dean until Sam went to college. After that, it was mostly her and Dean hunting together with John going on hunts alone. Dean and Annie started dating shortly after. Through everything, Annie stuck by Sam and Dean. Then Castiel showed up, and Annie was forced to come forward as an angel. Both Sam and Dean felt betrayed, and it took her rebelling against heaven for them to start trusting her again. Sam, Dean, Annie, and Castiel became Team Free Will, but there was another problem: Annie didn't feel the same way for Dean as she did years before. Annie told him, and they were forced to hunt separately until Dean came around. After he came to her, asking for her to come back to him, Sam, and Cas, they became inseparable once again. 

Okay back to your regularly scheduled program.


I was woken up by the morning light peering through the window. This time I was alone. Daryl was gone from the bed beside me, and the bed was now made. I got up and looked down at the bandage on my chest. I slowly removed one corner to check on the wound, and to my relief, it was now completely healed. You wouldn't have thought I was just shot yesterday or ever for that matter.

I removed the bandage and threw it in the trash. I looked at the end of my bed to see the clothes Maggie had left for me. I put on the grey V-neck t-shirt. It was more of a tight fit than I was used to, but I wasn't going to complain. I stood up and put on the dark blue jeans and then my black combat boots. I went to the chair and put on John's jacket. At first, I was confused on why it felt lighter, but then I remembered that I didn't have my angel blade anymore.

I made my bed, and then went outside to see Sam, Dean, Glenn, Dale, and T-Dog hanging out by the RV. I ran over to Sam and Dean who were talking with Glenn. Glenn handed Sam a peach and Dean some jerky. When I arrived, Dean smiled at me and held up his jerky to show me. I laughed, and everyone's attention suddenly went to me.

Usually, I would be more upset by a bunch of guys staring intently at my chest, but I realized why they were so shocked. They're not used to my healing speed quite yet. Once they all noticed that I saw them looking, they quickly went back to business.

"It's okay. I know it's something to get used to." I said. I looked at T-Dog's right forearm which was covered with gauze. 

"Here." I smiled. I went to grab T-Dog's arm, and his initial gut reaction was to pull his arm away from me.

I frowned, a little confused. "May I? I'm sure taking care of that and keeping the wound clean is burdensome."

He hesitantly nodded, and then he gave me his arm. I held his arm with both of my hands, careful not to put  pressure on his wound. I healed him, emitting a small light from my hands. Once I let go, T-Dog removed his bandage and saw his wound was completely gone. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Sam looking at me cautiously. 

"Will you excuse us?" I asked the three men. They all nodded.

Sam, Dean, and I stepped away. "What?" I asked.

"Annie, you have to stop healing every single injured person you see or you're going to drain yourself." Dean warned.

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