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  Riley Matthews steps out from the plane and breathes in the air of New York. "Finally after 7 long years, I'm Finally back home." She says to herself. 


  Riley is now in her hotel room. She will be staying here for the week before her stuff comes in from London. She has an apartment ready but it's empty until her stuff comes. She knew a hotel for the week would be spendy but at least she would have a bed, TV, and internet access. 

  The flight was a long one, 8 and a half hours. And it wasn't very late right now but Riley was exhausted and figured she'd just make it an early night. So she turned on the tv and watched some sitcom for a little bit before falling asleep.


  In the morning Riley wakes up on her own which she finds very peaceful due to not being ripped out of her sleep by an annoying alarm clock. "Don't get to use to that Matthews." She tells herself with a chuckle before getting out of the hotel bed. She then walks over to the little table that is in her room and decides to make a pot of coffee before she jumps in the shower.  

  A short while later Riley had finished her shower and gotten dressed. As she walked out of the bathroom she seen the coffee was ready. She poured herself a cup and took a seat. As she drank her coffee she thought about what she would do today. Finally being home in New York after 7 years, she didn't want to spend her first day locked inside of a hotel room, so she decided she would walk around and visit some of her old stomping grounds so to speak.


  Riley decides that the first place she is going to visit is Central park. As soon as she steps foot inside the park memories flare up.  From when they were little all the way up til Riley had to leave to London. The first memory was when it was just her and Maya shortly after they met. Riley was on a swing and Maya was pushing her telling her she had to pump her legs to go higher. Then it was one of her, Maya, and Farkle having a small picnic in the middle of the park. Riley taking out a small bowl of Macaroni and Cheese from the picnic basket along with a few packets of ketchup. Maya protesting in disgust that ketchup doesn't belong on Macaroni while Farkle saying it can't be that bad. Maya then dared him to try it, so Farkle did. A few seconds later Farkle turned almost green. Another memory came in of many years later with just her and Lucas walking on the path hand in hand looking at each other with their puppy love eyes. The last memory was all of them having a snowball fight during the last winter she was here. Riley smiled to herself thinking of all the great memories they had shared in this park when they were younger. She then had to swallow the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat back down. "No Riley! No more crying. " She told herself and decided it was now time to leave the park. 


  The second place Riley decides to go to is John Quincy Adams Middle School. Even though this was not the last school she attended before moving, this was a place where so many great things happened to her. It's where she met Lucas. Well technically the subway is where she met Lucas but the Middle School is where she really got to know him obviously. It's where she met Zay and found out that Zay was a childhood friend of Lucas's from back in Texas. It's where she met Smackle. And where Smackle realized that a school is where so much more happens than just learning, even though that is suppose to be the only main thing that happens. It's where Maya first danced on the teachers desk. It's also where Maya got her a horse and where her and Lucas rode that horse out of. It's where Farkle ruined a play because he couldn't stand to watch Lucas kiss her. It's where She became Morotia M. Black and Farkle became Donnie Barnes. Riley walked away from this old "stomping grounds" with a smile. 


  Well if she was gonna visit her old Middle School how could she not go over by her old High School, Abigail Adams High. Of course the first memories looking at the school was the hole, and how High School seemed to rip apart their friendship from the beginning. Well except her friendship with Maya of course. Her and Maya was always side by side no matter what back then. The great thing was their ripped apart friendship didn't last long as they all came back together again, tighter than ever learning from the situation. Memories of Maya losing herself and becoming Riley came into view. Taking a trip up to see Uncle Shawn to have him help Maya out. Her debacle with permanent records by receiving her first D for a grade. Losing Beary The Bear Bear. The first appearance of "Sassy Halter Top", Uncle Shawn marrying Maya's mom and adopting her. Of course all these memories weren't all inside this particular building this time but were in the same time frame. Of course the worst memories of all had to make an appearance as well. The time her, her Dad, and Maya just got home from school to see her Mom and little Brother Auggie at the kitchen table, Auggie in tears telling his Dad to tell his mom that she can't do it. Her Mom then telling the Family about her job promotion that would take them to London. Then of course the final decision from her mother to actually accept the promotion which actually had them move to London, being ripped away from the only life she knew. Being ripped away from the only friends she knew. Being ripped away from her boyfriend Lucas, and worst of all being ripped away from her Best Friend and Life Maya. 

  Riley was in full blown tears before she even realized it. It didn't surprise her though. Any time she thought of those memories, tears were just a given. But she realized this time was different. She realized an adult woman standing outside a High School bawling like a child was in no way good at all. So again she decided to keep moving. This time she didn't know where she was going in particular, she also didn't care. 


About 25 minutes later Riley was brought back to reality when she almost collided into someone and that certain someone told her in a very not nice way to watch where she's going. Riley quickly apologizes to the person and turns back around to keep walking but freezes in place when she realizes where her feet brought her to. "Of course. My first first full day back in New York and as soon as I'm not paying attention to where I'm going, I end up hear....Naturally." Riley says out loud to herself as she gazes up to Maya Hunter's old apartment building she grew up in. But Riley didn't stay and reminisce. She knew if the tears came at the old High School that they would come here as well to the point where she'd probably get locked up in the insane asylum. So Riley took off quickly. 


  Riley knew where she wanted to go next. She knew it was no longer Topanga's but she was curious how it all looks now, so she started walking towards what was her Mom's old business. Riley is at the top of the stairs on her way down to see what the new, well new to her anyways business looks like but stops halfway down in confusion when she sees Topanga's written across the window like it was in the past. Riley continues down the stairs to the door. "This can't be right. Maya told me 5 years ago this place was bought and turned into a coffee shop." Riley then opens the door and walks in, to her surprise even more she walked right into the same Topanga's she left 7 years ago. the same Topanga's her Mother use to own. The same Topanga's her and all her friends hung out at on a daily basis. "What is going on?" Riley asked herself in wonder and confusion. 

____ - "Oh my god, Riley?" Came a voice out of no where

  Riley then looked in the direction the voice was coming from and again froze in place. She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe who she was looking at. She couldn't believe who was looking straight back at her. 

  Riley - "Peaches?" 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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