Chapter 8

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I look up at Nico he hasn't answered me yet, he looks shocked, he is just staring at me, mouth hanging open. He was expecting this, wasn't he? I am pretty sure I made it obvious that I was going to propose.

Before I can worry my self further than I already am Nico leans down to kiss me. He still hasn't answered me with words, but his lips against mine answer my question pretty well.

The kiss is short and chasted it is nothing like the heated kiss we shared earlier, but it is still amzing.

When he pulls away from me he seems to have gathered his thoughts enough to give me, and the rest of the room, a formal answer.

"Yes, Prince William, I would love to marry you."

Suddenly the room is filled with applaud, but I dont pay attention to any of the people swarming forwards to congratulate us all I notice is him.

I smile at him as he helps me to my feet, "thank you, Nico," I say still holding his hand. I never want to let go of him.

Then it hits me I don't have to, he is mine and will be forever.

I pull him closer to me as we make our way through the crowd towards his sisters and my parents.

His younger sister Hazel runs forward and embrace both of us.

"I'm so happy for both of you," she says smiling like a lunatic.

"Thank you," I reply as I motion for them all to follow me.

I lead the small procession, that consists of Nico and my close family through the dining hall towards the exit, smiling at people as we go.

It is a relief to get out of the crowded dining hall, and I head straight to my father's study.

"Well that was certainly exciting." my Father states as we all get comfortable.

"Yes definitely," my mother agrees smiling down at me but we don't have time to think about how exciting the propose was we have a wedding to plan.

I look at her startled Nico and I have been formally engaged for all of 10 minutes and she was already planning our wedding.

She laughs at my expression. "

"Well, what were you expecting dear, royal weddings are not something to be taken lightly, we need to start planning straight away or you two will not be getting married till your old and grey." she chuckles lightly

I fell Nico shuffle next to me, he is holding eye contact with his older sister Bianca.

Shes right Bianca says not breaking eye contact with Nico. we need to start planning the wedding as soon as possible, the sooner you are married the better, she gives him a meaningful glance and I know she is referring to the fact that Nico needs to get married to get away from his father.

Nico sighs and nods his head leaning closer to me I pull him to my side, I know he is worried about getting married. But I can't help but feel excited.

My mother is talking again holding a pen a piece of papers as she speaks we need to decide on a date for the wedding.

Bianca speaks up before I can open my mouth the sooner the better for us, but we need to give father time to get here, he still has no idea about the engagement, currently, and will be leaving the kingdom for a period of time to attend the wedding and will have to travel with a large hard so I would give him a month.

"Ok we can work with that," my mother says how about exactly two months from today that gives your father plenty of time to travel and it should mean we have just long enough to plan.

I look down at Nico as the women and my father stat talking about inversions, flowers and a cake. I honestly have no clue what they're talking about anymore.

"Do you understand whats going on?" I whisper in his ear.

He shakes his head look me we are probably going to end up not knowing anything about our wedding up till the day unless they slow down and explain what's going on to us which I seriously doubt they're going to.

I laugh at this looking back up at my mother as she jots down notes regarding the wedding I try desperately to follow the conversation but keep losing track of which nobles can't be invited and why.

Right I think we're finished, for now, my mother says standing up and stretching you all need to get to bed

I nodded and pull Nico to his feet he dozed off about halfway through the meeting, I really didn't want to disturb him, but we couldn't sleep in my father's study all night.

Once we were outside my parents wished us all a good night before heading off to bed.

"Goodnight Prince Nico," I said as I kissed Nico on the check,

"You don't need to call me Prince any more Will, where engaged."

"Ok, goodnight sweetheart," I say be for pecking him on the lips.

Smiling back at him as I headed off to my personal chambers I see that he has gone bright red.

I heard him grumble something about stupid pet names before I turn a corner and was out of earshot.

When I got to my door I was smiling like an idiot, thinking about tonight's events.

"Well you're in a great mood," Percy says, him a Jason where both leaning against my door waiting for me to arrive.

You would have thought being stuck in a room with your parent's fiancé and his sisters" for Jason checked his watch "two hours might have dampened your mood slightly but apparently not."

I push past them both entering my room but they just followed me in.

"So excited about your married to Prince Nico," Percy says smirking at me

Did you know you were going to choose him before tonight? Jason asked

"Or did you just choose not to tell us, your closest friends about him" Percy accused

I give them both a withering look

"Are you two seriously going to start this you didn't say anything earlier when I asked Jason to go ask him to sit with me."

"We were in public we couldn't exactly start questioning you about your love life" Jason states sounding exasperated

I think I prefer you guys in public I say, laughing at the faked look of hurt my best friends were now both wearing as they walk out of my room shutting the door behind them.

I lie down on my bed thinking about Nico and the wedding before shutting my eyes. I smile still plastered on my lips


I am not really sure what I think of this chapter I feel like it's a little repetitive please tell me what you think.

word count:1145

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