~No ones POV~
Chat did his best to push Marinette against the wall her back was facing. It was his turn to tease and punish. Marinette gasped as she was slammed against the wall as Chat pushed is bulging boner onto her. Marinette then had a cheeky smirk and snaked her hand down to Chats boner and started to rub and stroke it. Chat began to moan and groan.
"I'm the one who is supposed to punish you this time!" Chat wined and groaned. He looked at what he thought was Mari and smashed his lips to hers. Marinette continue to grab at Chats dick as the zipper was now unzipped and had Chats dick practically in her.
Marinette was shocked by Chats actions and squeezed Chat as she moaned into his mouth as he jabbed her with his dick. (Why am I writing this?!😣) They where now both moaning and enjoying them selves. They could hear the akuma outside but they couldn't do anything. Chat then pulled away.
"M-mari, when you where walking around out t-there, d-did you see what happened t-to Ladybug?" Chat huffed and puffed in the hot and small space.
Marinette began to blush and worry. "N-no." Was all she could say.
"Good." Chat huskily moaned in her ear. Her hips still being stuck between the wall and door, Chat took this to his advantage. He pressed himself against her as best as he could, panting and breathing on her neck and in her ear.
"Ch-chat, I thought y-you liked l-ladybug. Why are you doing this?" Marinette smirked at how close they where in the small box like space. She snaked her hand around his dick, him not noticing.
"And I thought you liked Adrian." Chat whispered into her ear, going for her bear neck. His head went further down until his lips had made contact with her neck, then bitting and sucking violently but sexually and lovingly. Marinette monad softly, humming in the process while biting her lip, tying to hold back her loud moans.
This carried on until Marinette stopped her hands from shaking and she grabbed his dick and squeezed it. Hard. Equaling Chat to bite her neck, which made Marinette quietly scream, her trying to hold them back. Chat took this as a chance to stop sucking her neck and kiss her. Again.
Marinette had small tears running down her cheeks as Chat kissed her. But she soon ignored the pain and kissed back, forgetting what was happening down there. That was until he snaked his hands to her shirt and started to take it off.
He had his hands under her shirt, lifting it up until just under her bra. Chat stopped and waited for permission. Marinette slowly nodded into the kiss as they slowly pulled away for Chat to take off her shirt. Once it was off they where back to kissing.
Remember when I mentioned Chats zipper was all the way down? Well now it's in between her legs. And did I mention that Marinette had decided to wear booty shorts? Well that's what she is wearing. Marinette moaned as she slowly closed her legs around his boner, it being wet and hard. Chat started to groan and wince. He pulled away and looked down at Marinette. Noticing that she had a little blood trickling from her neck from when he accidentally bit her, forgetting about his fangs.
"Alright, I've had enough. You have been teasing me too long!" Chat did his best to bend down and pull down Marinette' shorts all the way to her feet, along with her panties. Marinette let out a small gasp as Chat stood back up, both blushing, as he took off the rest of his suit. "C-can I?" Chat asked after realising what he did.
"Umm y-yeah." Marinette said blushing, thinking everything over. Chat looked down at her, almost wishing he never took his time. Not even as Adrian.
"Are you sure?" Chat asked, not wanting to do anything that she didn't. They where only 17 and where graduating soon, seeing as they both started school early.
"Yes. Go for it Ch-chat." Marinette spoke sexually with a smirk. Chat then began to smirk as he pulled off the rest of the suit, seeing as he only pulled it off until just under his waist, just in case she didn't want to. Yet.
Chat then stopped, puzzling Marinette. "R-raw?" He asked scared but happy.
"Raw." Marinette said before pulling down his suit and boxers, wanting him more then he thought.
"R-ready?" Chat asked with a blush as he leaned in on the entrance.
"Ready." Marinette quietly exclaimed with a blush as Chat slowing entered. Marinette wanted to cry and scream. Even though she couldn't see how big he was, she know he was thicc and long. It hurt her.
"D-do you want m-me to p-pull out?" Chat asked worried he was hurting his princess. He stopped going in and just waited while looking at his princesses uncomfortable face so he stared to pull out, making her walk forwards, which was a stupid idea.
Marinette let a tear roll down her cheek and a soft, pain filled, moan come out of her lips. She leaned in and kissed Chat, trying to stop herself from crying anymore. Chat kissed back without any hesitation.
Marinette pulled away a little bit later and looked Chat in the eye. "I don't wanna walk. Hurt me." She said huskily and sexually, like everything else that day, and kissed him again as Chat pushed himself into her. She was smaller than expected and he was bigger then could fit, but he somehow got one quarter in.
Although Marinette was wincing and whimpering into the kiss, she enjoyed it. Chat pulled away blushing and smirking. Chat pushed in a little too far and a little too fast, which made Marinette scream a little. "Say my name." Chat huskily whispered into her ear.
"Ch-chat!" She screamed softly whimpering. Marinette didn't want this moment to end and neither did he. It was almost as if Chat had grew inside of her because to Marinette, he felt bigger inside of her then before.
Chat pushed in again, faster and further. "Wrong name." Chat said in her ear again, slowly letting his hands run up her back and undo her bra. "And since you got that wrong," he said and pushed in again with a grunt from himself, only halfway in, and a small and satisfied scream from Marinette, "your getting punished."
Marinette did ask not to walk so he shoved him up into her, receiving a loud moan mixed with a light scream from Marinette. The next name that popped into her head was daddy. "Daddy!" Marinette screamed, throwing her head back.
Chat was somewhat satisfied with the name, but he wasn't done. "Good jop princess, but you where to late." Chat smirked then started pulling out, fast, then pushing in faster then he pulled out. Marinette wanted to scream but she got shut up by Chat kissing her. He pulled away for a second. "I'm not going to let you go threw this without some help, now am I?" He smirked then went back to kiss her, as he went in and out of her, while finally throwing her bra away, letting them hang.
Both hands where on both boobs that where hanging, making Marinette blush deeply. Chat was only going slow to himself and only going half way in every time so he decided that he would go full speed and all the way. Marinette thought that he was going full speed and was going all the way in until he licked her lips for entrance. She agreed and they started to make out. A distraction in Chats eyes.
He took that opportunity to go all the way in which equaled Marinette to scream into Chats mouth, almost in agony as to how big he was at the end. So Chat decided to stay like that for a few seconds for Marinette to get used to his size. His size that not even Chat could get used to. To him, it almost hurt for him because of how small she was. It was hard for him to enter.
Marinette's eyes where wide and a single tear slipped out but she got over that and closed her eyes again. Chat started to pull out, almost all of the way out until he thrusted himself back all the way in, making Marinette moan louder then ever.
Chat started to moan as he got further in ever time he thrusted. This time he pulled out and pulled away from the kiss with a smirk painted brightly onto his cat like face.

FanfictionDuring an akuma attack, ladybug's transformation runs out so she has to leave Chat noir to fight the akuma. But this is no ordinary akuma, this one destroys a whole building that ladybug lands in and de-transforms in that building, tying to look for...