Part 8

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~no ones POV~

Chat looked down at his princess as she was leaning on his black leather shoulder. "You feeling alright princess?" Chat asked with a little bit of concern stamped into his words.

"Yeah I'm fine." Marinette said as she looked up at her kitty looking into his green eyes, getting lost in them.

"That's good." Chat grinned as he lent in looking into Marinette's big blue eyes, their lips only inches apart, mouths parted slightly. Alya and Niño where both fan girling, recording the whole thing.

Chat and Marinette didn't care what was going on. The black cat lifted one of his clawed hands, being careful of her delicate skin, resting his hand on Maris cheek, cupping it. Marinette's cheeks started turning a light pink. Chat pulled her soft face in more as he closed the gap, his black leather tail wrapping around his princesses waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

Chat finally fully closed the gap between him and Marinette with a sweet kiss. Marinette put her hand on Chats back as he pulled her closer. Alya and Niño where in the background fan girling and hugging each other as they screamed 'MARICHAT'.

Chat pulled away after about 10 seconds and smirked down at Marinette, then looking over at Niño and Alya, then squealing "DjWifi!" Just like they did, as they where both still hugging.

Marinette started to giggle. "Yeah." After a while of talking, laughing and 'eating' the bell rung, signalling that lunch was over and class had started. Chat picked Marinette up and bridle style again as he walked to their next class.

"You said you'd let me walk this week." Marinette complained looking at Chat as he smiled proudly while walking to class as people watched and pulled out their phones.

"Ok fine." Chat sighed as he stopped and put Marinette back down on her feet but grabbed her hand before she could walk off.

"What now kitty?" Marinette sighed and turned around with a small smile planted on her smooth lips.

"I didn't say anything, I was just going to hold your hand since I can't carry you but since you asked, I love you princess."  Chat smiled making Marinette giggle and drag him along to their class.

"I love you too kitty." Marinette said back with a smile still written on her face and happiness woven into her words. They both walked to class, both being the last. Again. But to their surprise the teacher wasn't at the classroom yet, so it was loud and people where walking around the room talking to other people. But Nathaniel, he was sitting down with a pencil in his hand, doing what he was always doing. Sketching his princess.

Chat let go of Marinette's hand so she could walk around the room as he walked over to Nathaniel and looked over his shoulder. He was drawing a Marinette in short shorts and a bra at the beach as she held hands with him. It was very well drawing but Chat started to become jealous of his love for her.

"Nice drawing you got there." Chat spoke form behind, startling the poor red head, almost throwing his pencil.

"Oh uhh h-hey Chat noir." Nathaniel spoke as he tried to hide his drawing of Marinette with his arms but he failed as Chat took it from his grasp.

"Please just call me Chat." He asked while scanning the picture with a straight face but on the inside he was extremely jealous and started to think that he was going to take Marinette away from him. But she new better and so did Nathaniel.

Nathaniel was blushing the colour of his red hair and he sunk a little. Chat looked at the red head, than gave him his book back. "Your a really good drawer, use it for something." Chat said with a forced fake smile as he pat the red head on the head, ruffling his hair a little. Chat then walked back to Marinette who was talking to Alya and Niño.

Alya looked up at him and smiled. "So Chat, why are you really here? It's weird that a superhero is coming to our little school." Alya asked holding up her phone recording him.

"I don't know honestly. I just wanted to see my princess more and she told me so much about you guys so I wanted to meet you to. Just because I'm a hero doesn't mean I can't come to a little school," Chat paused and wrapped a hand around Marinette waist to pull her closer. "And since Adrian and I are friends, he was kind enough to let me take his-I mean to come to school as his 'replacement' and look after Marinette." Chat finished as he lent down and kissed Mari on the cheek.

Alya and Niño awed while Alya put her phone away to post that on the Ladyblog latter.

~after school cause we all hate school~

Marinette was outside of the school with Alya as they both said their goodbyes with each other as Chat noir held Marinette's hand, being the jealous cat he was. "Bye Alya! See you tomorrow!" Marinette waved while Alya walked to her mothers little car.

"See ya Mari!" Alya exclaimed back, opening the door and getting in, waving to both Chat and Marinette. Chat was waving her as his tail swayed happily behind him. Once Alya was gone, they both started to walk home hand in hand.

Marinette let out a little happy sigh. "Today was fun, wasn't it kitty?" Marinette asked while her eyes where still on the sidewalk she always walked on to get home, but Chats eyes where on his beautiful girlfriend who was standing right next to him.

Chat squeezed Maris hand a little more. "It was." Chat sighed out as he stared hopelessly in love at her. She was so beautiful. The was her hair was pulled into two ponytail. The way her blue eyes where more beautiful than the sky and ocean. The way she smiled, it could light up someone's day. Her bright smile would make the sun jealous. Her jet black, almost dark blue, hair would make the night think it was light. Her voice would make angels jealous.

Marinette's parents where spending a lot of time with each other, mostly out of town. Marinette didn't bother to worry since they always came home in the end. But this gave her and Chat lots of time together. When Chat didn't have to go home, he started with Marinette. Which was almost everyday.

After a little bit of talking and a little bit more of walking, Mari and Chat where home.

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