Chapter One

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The sun had been shining for over two hours and still nothing. The others, Maxie, Archie, Steven, had all gone to help with the rebuilding and repairing efforts. Everyone had taken a sigh of relief as the rain stopped.

Everyone except Brendan.

Sitting along on a bench nearby, he'd watched the doors to the Cave of Origin for nearly six hours. Watching and waiting for when they would open again. He waited and waited for what seemed like forever and as the day began to end naturally, he was still their, waiting.

Brendan heard the noise of a landing nearby but didn't bother to look. He knew who it would be just by the noises of his Skarmory.

"Brendan?" He asked, as if confused by the teenagers persistent presence. "It's late. You should go home." Brendan stared at him in complete shock at the idea of leaving.

"I told her I would be here when she got back," He states: "And that's what I'm going to do."

"Alright." Steven placed a light blue jumper on the bench and turned back to his Skarmory.

"Thank you." Brendan shouted after him as the steel/flying-type flew high into the air with the Champion Of Hoenn on it's back.

Putting the warm and cosy jumper on, Brendan went back to studying the door and the artwork which he gathered would have been created by the ancients so many years ago. He could see the two legendaries, Kyogre and Groudon, but he also spotted another, slimmer and longer body mixed between the two.

He yawned and wiped his eyes. Despite the cold, the dark and the his weary eyes, Brendan refused to sleep. He promised to himself that he would wait the next day, and the day after that. He wouldn't rest or sleep until May was back and they would be together again.

And with that, Brendan slowly drifted off into a deep and worried sleep.


My Champion



The boys eyes lifted to the gentle voice trying to wake him up from his sleep.

"Bren'?" The sweat voice called again. "Come on, get up." She giggled at him. "Come on! I've got something to show you!"

His eyes opened slightly and the beaming light made him automatically try to close them again, although a head appeared, blocking the sun, and he managed adjust his eyes.

Two big blue eyes watched him carefully. A large and ridicules red and white bow leaned toward his face, losing balance on the top of her head. Her short brown hair flowed down towards him although purposely not close enough to irritate his face. Rosy cheeks grew lighter and her little button noes and little mouth chuckled as Brendan struggled to understand what was happening.

Then it hit him.

"May!" He jumped up and nearly head butted her but she manoeuvred out of the way and started to giggle again. Brendan suddenly went as red as a sunset.

"Careful! You nearly killed me!" She exaggerated with a laugh. "Although that would be ironic considering."

Brendan watched her as she placed a finger on the edge of her chin and started thinking about something, most likely 'something' crazy. She then re-focusing her mind back onto him.

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