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Luhan ''s  pov.

I was so scared when I  saw sehun collapsed on the bed,,,

I run quickly to call the doctor ,,,

What happened to him doctor?

The blood we gave him it's working now,,, no need to worry,,,,

Thank you doctor,,,,

Momy you have not greet us since you arrived at hospital,,, don't you love us??

Don't say that wan and Shane of course I  love you both so much,,,

Come here and give your mom a big hug,  ,

They run and hugged me so tight,,,

Momy missed you so much don't ever doubt that,,, 

We missed you too mommy,,,

Aww my babies,,,

Mom why did the doctor remove Shana 's  blood is she sick?

No  wan she gave your dady blood to get well,,,

Does that mean you  have forgiven dady???

I haven't forgiven him yet for what he has done to us wan but still we have to do everything to save him he is your dady,,,

Okay mother I hope he doesn't hurt you again,,,, and if he will hurt you I will kill him

Oooh my wan,,, you are not a murderer baby,,,  and I promise you and Shane I will not allow your dad to hurt me again,,,

Really momy??

Yes I have endured every pain but not anymore,,,

Now let's go and see your sister and dad,, 

We arrived at the room both sehun and Shana were,, 

Shana was awake,,,

Momy are you happy I saved dady??

Yes bby am so proud of you,,, I love you so much,,,

I love you too mommy,,,

We were chatting with my kids when sehun wake up slowly,,,

Am so ashamed for what have done to you luhan and our kids,,,

I deserve to be punished by all of you  ,   

I don't know how much I  will thank you Shana for saving my love,,,

Today am breathing because of you child,,,

Please forgive me for what I  did to you all,,, I Was so stupid luhan to never recognize how you were an angel in my life,,,

Sehun no need to  talk too much you are sick  please,,

Mom is right you have not recovered but it's good you are regretting and just I want you to live to know that if it's not mom I would not have donated blood to save you,,,

Just thank momy is so soft,,,

Shana please bby don't talk to your dad like that,,,

Let her talk luhan you know it's true and I deserve it,  

Am  sorry  mom but am speaking the truth here

Luhan am  truly sorry

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