1.9K 30 204

Day you were born

1- Ebony
2- Twilight
3- Silver
4- Dark
5- Dusk
6- Raven
7- Stream
8- Pine
9- Ginger
10- Apple
11- Heather
12- Fern
13- Slate
14- Jay
15- Kestrel
16- Yarrow
17- Spotted
18- Reed
19- Mint
20- Withered
21- Amber
22- Dash
23- Ash
24- Warm
25- Stag
26- Gorge
27- Maple
28- Slither
29- Twig
30- Tree
31- Vine

Favorite Color

White- foot
Silver- heart
Gray- sprout
Black- leaf
Brown- whisper
Tan- streak
Orange- dapple
Amber- frost
Pink- sky
Red- fur
Yellow- tuft
Greenish Yellow- claw
Green- cloud
Turquoise/Teal- mask
Blue- fall
Navy Blue- path
Purple- freckle
Other- sight

Thank you so much for participating! This is the first time I've ever done one of these, and I really wanted to try to and vary with the options! I hope you all enjoyed. ^w^

Comment what you got!

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