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Third person's Pov

Youngjae was smiling at his phone as if what was on the screen made him the happiest man alive

" Hey, why are you smilig like that?" asked Yugyeom

"Jackson....He texted me. He's fine" said Youngjae smiling " Well......Almost fine " his face looked a bit more sad when he said the last part

" What?!" Mark screamed running out of the bathroom " I heard the name Jackson, I'm here "

Youngjae called all of them in the living room. They all sit on the couch....Everyone but Youngjae

" Hi....Um Jackson left a message....For all of us.....Explaining everything" Youngjae's smile faded. His eyes were grey now.....And looked so sad

" What did he say?...." asked Chanyeol

Youngjae sighed, feeling his chest pressing his whole body.

" Here we go.....I guess "

" Just tell us " said Jinyoung

" Hey....Um Youngjae or everyone if you're reading " started Youngjae reading the message " You must be concerned about me. Don't be. I'm not dead. Yet"

" He said yet. Why?" Yugyeom looked like he was about to cry

" You'll find out now " said Youngjae

"Hopefully " muttered BamBam

" If you're wondering, yes, I am a drug dealer. This started before I became a member of Got7. I've been hiding this for years. At first I was doing this to receive money for my family but now.....I can't get out. I can't. I left because I know I'm going to die. I can't leave my team alone. We are in the biggest deal in our lifes......They need me. They need their leader"

" Wait a fucking second" said Mark angry  "you mean to tell me that Jackson is not just a drug dealer but their LEADER? And that he's going to DIE?" Mark was screaming and Yoongi tried to calm him down

" Yeah, that's what I read. Now let's continue"

" I think the fuck not!" said Mark and Yoongi let out a warning growl that made Mark shut up.

"If these hybrids" thought Jinyoung

" Anyways, let's continue " said Chanyeol

" Don't come looking for me because you won't find anything. Accept the fact that I'm gone. Forever. I didn't want to say goodbye to everyone separatly because that could have made the things worse. I love all of you. I'm happy that I found my real brothers, that I have such good friends and an amazing boyfriend. I'm going to miss all of you but forget me. Forget I ever existed. And tell the iGot7 that I died. It won't be a lie because I actually will die. Eventually, they are going to find my dead body and everything would be fine. The fans won't think you're lying. Yeah....Sorry for the long text but this is a goodbye. It was nice being a kpop idol even for a little while. It was nice thinking that I could live a normal life. What a fucking joke.....

Everyone was in tears, including Youngjae. They couldn't believe what they just heard. But it was true nd there was no going back. They can't do enything. Mark tried to go after Jackson, following his smell but there was nothing. Every sign of Jackson ever existing among them disappeared. Like there was no Jackson. Gone. Just like he said

"This can't be true!" screamed Yugyeom, sobbing on BamBam's chest

" But it is. Deal with it." said Yoingjae wipping his tears away from his face and just went to his room not saying anything else.

" What is wrong with him?" said Yugyeom still crying on BamBam's chest

" Leave him alone. He's in shock too but he doesn't want people to see it" said Yoongi

I was lucky I could write this chapter. Things have been so bad for me lately that I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even know what I'm doing in the next hours...

Anyways......I will contiune writing on Wattpad but I don't know how often I'll be able to do that.

Oh and this story is nearing to an end. Just a few more chapters left. I don't know exactly how many

I might write another story after this but I know nothing yet

Oh and over 700 words on this chapter. Lol I did good.

That's it


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