Come and Get Your Love

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Gamora sat serenely in her room, twiddling a small throwing knife between her fingers idly. The Guardians had stopped in Knowhere for a quick supply run. Rocket insisted that they stay for a while longer and live it up while they had the chance, as this was the first time since the "Ego Incident" that they weren't swamped with mercenary work. Groot, Drax, and Kraglin happily obliged, and Mantis figured it was in her best interest to tag along and get more practice interacting with other people. Peter and Gamora opted to stay behind and keep watch on the ship, as they were in a sketchy area and didn't want infamous ship burglars stealing any valuables from it.

"Alright. Suit yourself, losers." Rocket snapped as he and the rest of the team departed the ship and disappeared into the buzzing streets. The ship's door closed and left Peter and Gamora alone in their separate rooms.

Not before long, Gamora heard a few knocks ring on her metal door. "Come in." She mumbled, watching her door slowly open to reveal Peter's face peeking in through a small crack in the doorway. "You gonna stay in here forever?" He asked.

"Do I have a reason not to?" She responded dryly.

"Well, you can always come out and have some bonding time with your favorite Terran." He said, smiling and shrugging playfully.

The green warrior rolled her eyes and fought to keep a smile from emerging on her face. "You're not my favorite Terran."

"I'm the only Terran you've met!" Peter scoffed, leaning on the doorframe.

"That's right." Gamora said plainly.

Peter stayed silent for a moment while deciphering what she meant. "That wasn't clever, it was just mean."

She sighed and placed the knife she was holding on the table beside her. "What do you want to do, Peter?"

"Have some bonding time with my favorite assassin." He cooed.

Gamora sat up in her bed and placed her hands in her lap. Peter walked in and made his way towards her, grabbing her hand carefully and leading her out of the bed and towards the door.

"What are you doing?" She asked sternly.

Peter flinched slightly at her words, afraid of her killer instincts. "Hanging out in my room. Is that so bad?"

"What's wrong with my room?" She argued.

"There're less things for you to kill me with in my room."

Gamora smiled and held on tighter to Peter's hand as they entered his quarters. Gamora sat in a chair across from the bed as Peter tidied up his disastrous hurricane of a room and changed into some cleaner clothes. She observed his back as he slid off his shirt and stretched his arms outward, his muscles gliding gracefully across his spine. She waited patiently until he was done, watching him nonchalantly plop himself down on the bed with a groan. He then sat up after a while and looked at her with a furrowed brow and a confused smirk, scooting over and patting the mattress next to him. "What're you sitting over there for? I washed the sheets yesterday."

"That's not why I'm sitting over here."

Quill ruffled his fawn-colored hair and squeezed his eyes shut in disappointment, knowing exactly why she was isolating herself. "Come on."

Gamora felt a surge of guilt rage through her. She had never really felt this way towards a person before, and new things change her. Being with Peter would make her vulnerable, and that's the last thing she wanted to be. It had been a few months since she had admitted there was some "unspoken thing" between them, but after that night- when Peter wrapped his arm around her and she embraced him as they watched Yondu's ashes glisten in the sky- she was afraid. She felt guilty because she knows how much Peter cares, yet she pushes him away anyway, and she sees how upset he is every time she does.

She hesitantly dragged her feet across the metal floor and laid herself down across the bed next to Peter, her back turned towards him. He moved in closer behind her and began to slither his right hand around her stomach, pulling her in gently and exhaling calmly onto the back of her neck. She felt tingles shoot up and down her spine and subconsciously lifted up her left hand to weave her fingers in between Peter's- fitting them perfectly into the crevices of his large hand.

"Nothing's the matter with you. You know that, right?" Peter said in a breathy whisper.

Gamora let go of his hand and turned to face him, their noses only inches apart from each other. "What do you mean?"

"You think that what you're feeling is just all in your head- that something's wrong- but it's not. You're not crazy."

Gamora looked down at her feet and remained quiet. "How do you know that?" She uttered defensively.

Quill grabbed Gamora's hand softly and rubbed circles into the back of it with his thumb. "I know you aren't used to this. Hell, neither am I. I've never had a relationship that lasted more that two nights..." he chuckled, "...but there's no need to be afraid. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, I know what it looks like when girls feel... something. That look is all over you."

"I feel like I'm bad luck. Everyone that I've ever cared about had been maimed in some horrible way."

"That's not you, Gamora." Peter reassured her smoothly. "You can't blame yourself for the things that have happened to those people. You've saved the goddamn galaxy twice now! I think you can officially say you've saved more lives than you've harmed at this point."

She smiled and looked Peter in his eyes adoringly. "You always manage to cheer me up. Most people can't do that, you know."

"Well I'm not most people." Peter breathed. His gaze was fixated on Gamora's features. He was studying the details of her face. The scars, Thanos' "modifications," and even her usual splash of gold eye shadow. It was all so perfect to him.

"What?" Gamora flushed under his stare.

"Nothing, just..." he trailed off. "'re so beautiful."

She squeezed Peter's hand a bit tighter in response to his words. Nobody has ever really sad that to her before; or more accurately- nobody's ever said that to her and meant it. Most of the time, it's more of a cat call than it is a verbal gesture of adoration.

"This thing between us..." She started. "...what happens next? I'm unaware of the intricacies of romance." She uttered, sounding embarrassed to even ask.

Peter perked up at her words. "Well, we take it slow. I'm not gonna go any faster than you want to."

She looked up at Peter hesitantly to be greeted with his warm smile. He raised his brows and spread his arms out, bending his wrists back and forth and beckoning her over to him. She accepted his invitation and he pulled her into a warm embrace, holding her shoulders and placing his hand on her back supportively. She snuggled her face into his chest and rested her hands on his stomach.

"We need to do this more often." Peter hummed.

Gamora flicked his ear in a matter of seconds.

"Um...? Ow?!" Quill whined in annoyance.

"Don't ruin the moment." She snapped.

"Alright, alright." He nodded and stared up at the ceiling, focusing on the warmth of Gamora's body against his. He finally did it- winning over the girl of his dreams and having a tender moment without knives or throat-slitting.

Now if this were a romantic comedy, it'd get all the ratings.

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