One Dream (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Chapter 1

No P.O.V.

“Guess what, guess what!!!!!!!” Jenny said to one of her best friends, Annie. Jenny was a dirty-blond haired girl with brown eyes and a light-tan skin tone. She was about 5 foot 6 inches tall. She was 17. Annie was a dark-brown haired girl with green eyes and a tan skin tone. She was about 5 foot 7 inches tall. She was 17 going on 18. “What????????” Annie yelled. “My mom said, and I quote, ‘I am willing to allow you to go on a trip to London with four of your best friends and when you get there you have waiting for you’!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jenny said to Annie squealing with delight. “NO WAY!” she screamed over the phone “I just asked my mom too!” “Well, what did she say?” Jenny asked impatiently. “Yes, of course!” Annie replied. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Jenny screamed. “I KNOW!” Annie screamed back. "Wait but what about the surprise??? Do you know what it is???" "Uh, no I don't. If I did I would've already told you!!! Duh!!!" Jenny replied. "Sorry." Annie said. “Anyway, I’m gonna call the others and tell them.” Jenny said once she calmed down. “See you soon!” “Yea you too!” Annie said and hung up.

Jenny dialed her other best friend, Amy. Amy was a red haired girl with jet-blue eyes. They were literally like crystals. She was about 5 foot 7 inches tall. She was 18.“What?!?!?” was her first reply when she picked up the phone. “I get to go to London with four of my besties!!!” Jenny said. “OMG NO WAY MY MOM SAID THAT TOO!!!!” Amy said. "But she also said something about a surprise." Jenny said. "Ya my mom said something about a surprise also! I wonder... Anyway, we are gonna have the best time! Have you called Sammy and Katy yet and told them?” “No, not yet.” Jenny said. “But I will.” She added. “Well tell them NOW!” she yelled. “Ok, ok geez!” Jenny said. “Bye see ya soon!” “Oh and one more thing! Don’t call me again today. I’m getting a massage done by my servant.” Amy said. “Um, I’m not your servant!” someone said in the background. Jenny laughed. “Ha! Is that Joey?” Jenny asked. Joey is Amy’s 20 year-old brother. “Ya but he’s the same thing!” Amy said. “Well I hope you enjoy your, massage.” Jenny said. “Ya, ok, bye!” Amy said and hung up quickly. “Weirdo.” Jenny muttered to herself.

“Alright, now to call Katy.” Jenny mumbled to herself. “Katy?!” Jenny squealed once the call was connected. “Ya?” Katy mumbled. Katy was a brown haired girl with light green/hazel eyes (they change color). She was about 5 foot 7 inches tall. She was 19. “What do ya want?” “To tell you that I can go on a trip to London with you, Annie, Amy, and Sammy! That’s what!” Jenny yelled. “But there's just this surprise thing that is really annoying me!!!!” “No way, no way, no way!” Katy yelled, up now. “I’m going with my four BFFS to London!!!” she laughed. "HAHA!!! You HATE surprises!" she said trying not to laugh while she said it. Jenny HATED surprises. “Moving on, what did your mom say?” Jenny asked after she calmed down a little. “She said as long as all four of my friends can go I can go. Can everyone else go?” Katy answered. “So far yes. Just need to ask Sammy.” Jenny replied. “Easy breezy!” Katy said. “I’ll see you at your house on Saturday?” “Right you will!” Jenny said. “Bye-bye!” “Bye!” Katy replied and hung up.

“Yes?” a groggily voice said. “Hello, is this Samantha?” Jenny said in a deep voice jokingly. Sammy was a dark-brown haired girl with brown eyes. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall (she was pretty short). She was 18. Sammy sat up straight and answered, “Why yes, yes it is! What would you like sir?” “To tell you that a certain someone is going on a trip to a certain place with a fe of her best friends.” Jenny replied, still in the deep voice. “Jenny?” Sammy said after she had caught on. “Are you really allowed to go?” “Ya! Are you?” Jenny said, giving up the act. “No…” Sammy said and her smile turned to a frown. “My mom said no!” “Well, well, I’ll get my mom to talk your mom into changing her mind!” You’ll see!” Jenny said. “You’re the best, Jenny. You know that?” Sammy answered. “I know!” Jenny said. “Wow, you’re conceited!” Sammy scoffed. “Am NOT!” Jenny said. “Are too!” Sammy answered. “Ugh whatever. Call me later and tell me what your mom says.” Jenny said. “This time I assure you it’s gonna be a yes!” “Thanks.” Sammy said and hung up.

1 Hour Later

Jenny’s P.O.V.

“Sooo?”  I said when I answered Sammy’s call. “OH MY GOSH, JENNY, HOW DID YOU DO IT?!” Sammy screamed into the phone. “So it worked!” I said with a smirk. If anyone is influential, it’s my mom. “Like a charm!” Sammy replied. “There’s the happy-go-lucky Sammy I know!!” I said when I could tell she was smiling big. “Yup! Plane tickets are paid for and arrangements are made! Your house Saturday!” she yelled. “Ok. One more thing! My mom told me to inforn everyone that there is gonna be a BIG surprise when we get there. So ya, no you know. Now get some sleep it’s 11:30!” I said. “Bye!” “Oooo I can'T wait!!!! Bye Jen!” she said and hung up. “Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleepity-sleep!” I hummed to myself as I walked into my room. “Gotta get some sleep before I go on my trip!” I plopped down knowing that during the trip I would probably get like no sleep. I changed into my pjs, plopped down on my bed, and fell asleep.

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