"Live or die?"
(What a question.
Run free fast feel the wind against your skin.
Feel death creeping in .
Life full of joy.
Die with regret so much to do, no time.
Why am I contemplating such a cruel question.
I'll die either way but when is the true question.
That is the choice.
I look up in to dark empty eyes.
How did I get here and why was it gonna be him?
He stairs at me deep in thought probably wondering why I am not on my knees begin for my life.
His hand pressing against my wind pipe.
I welcome death how morbid. I didnt realize I had a death wish until now.)
" Death"
What did I just say!?
It happened so fast a knife in my heart. Pressure from within my chest , I look down . My wedding dress soaked in Red . I felt cold for one minute and then... warmth the brightest stars coming towards me it feels like pure love.
I can here him his voice so soft calling my name.
"my love Adam. "