Chapter 2

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I grabbed her head gently, as I carefully flipped her body over. It was hard trying to turn her body from her stomach to her back, but i managed to do it. When I did, I revealed a bloody face. Her nose was broken, her lips were swollen and were a purple color. Her eyes were also swollen, but her forehead looked like it was the most damaged. She had a huge cut in the middle of her forehead that stretched a few centimeters wide.

My stomach started hurting, and I became a little nauseous from all of the blood. I couldn't believe I had just killed someone. I took the life of someone in less than 5 minutes.

I also felt relieved that I didn't have to worry about her anymore and that I finally had a chance of getting out of this... Whatever it was.

I looked down at my hands and saw they were covered in blood. I washed my hands in the small white sink. When I looked for soap I didn't find any so I just used water. The blood stained my hands a bit. I was disgusted.

I thought about hiding her body, but suddenly I heard two masculine voices going at it. I recognized one of the voices and instantly knew it was the man from earlier that was being racist towards me. I had no clue who the other guy was.

The arguing stopped and I peaked out the bathroom door, that had been opened and saw the bastard walking the opposite way of me. I wanted to know who else was in that fucked up place with me so I made my way towards the room that all the commotion was coming from.

I quietly made my way down the hall and I had reached the door. I started pulling on the door knob in hopes of opening it, but it was obviously locked. I knocked on the door, making sure not to be too loud so that the rude man wouldn't hear me.

"Piss off, okay man? Leave alone. I'm done with all this creepy shit. So you can just kill me now. You fucking--" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Listen, it's okay. He's not around right now." I said in an reassuring voice.

"Oh great, there's more of you? Well hey listen, just kill me." I could hear the anger in this guys voice.

"Look, my name is Mia. I'm not here to kill you, I just need help. I want to get out of this place." I spat those words out so fast, I began to breath heavily.

"Mia? I apologize for yelling at you that way. I'm Tyler. Man, I've been stuck here for what, two days or so?"

"I don't know how long I've been here, but I do know that we need to get out of here! These people are crazy." I said as I looked left and right, making sure he wasn't coming.

"You're right. Is there anyway that you can get this door open?" He asked.

"Umm.. I don't think so, I mean, it needs a key to open it."

"I don't want to put you in anymore danger than you're already in but... The only way of getting this door opened is by getting the key from J.M"

My heart dropped a little at the fact that he wanted ME to get the keys. But I knew that he was right. I did need those keys in order to get him out of that room.

"Trust me, after what I just did, I'm sure I could manage to snatch a key. But who's J.M?"

"He's a tall, skinny guy." He replied back.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wanted to beat the shit out of that guy for what he said to me.... But he probably had weapons on him, not to mention he was twice my height.

"You still there Mia?.."

"Yeah...Where is J.M right now?

"He went to his room, he's probably in there reading some porn magazine. I've been to his room before because that's where I was placed when I was first brought to this place." He said.

"Where is his room?" I asked.

"It's just straight down this hall and then you... Let me think. Oh right, you take a right then there should be a staircase and the first door on the left is where you'll find his room."

Although I was a little scared... okay a lot, I knew I had to do this if I wanted to survive. Plus, Tyler was depending on me. So I had to do it.

"Okay Tyler, just wait here." Like he had a choice.

"Mia, please be careful. I appreciate you doing this for me and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if doing this gets you killed". He said in a quiet tone. He was so sweet for that.

"I'll be okay. See you in a bit, Tyler." I said before running down the hall. I took a right, and sure enough there was a staircase just like Tyler said there would be.

I quietly tip toed up the black stairs. Once I reached the top I looked to my left, and saw that the door was opened. I slightly peaked my head in and saw a dark room with a bed in the middle. The dark brown wooded floors, the walls were floral wallpaper, and there was desk with a wooding chair in the corner of the room. Then, straight back in the room was a closed door. I figured it was J.M in there because I could see light peaking out underneath and heard the sound of a belt unbuckling. I remember the belt he wore. The black leather skin belt, with a gold buckle.

I knew I needed those keys, so I swiftly entered the room. There was no doubt about it that I was scared. Terrified even. I searched the desk first. I opened the first drawer and saw some cigarettes and a knife. I decided to grab the knife since I didn't have anything to protect myself with. I opened the second drawer and saw some playboy magazines. Dirty son of a bitch... I thought to myself. I closed the drawer quietly.

I could hear him peeing in the bathroom. I didn't know where else to look. Then I knew exactly where the keys were at. Wouldn't it make sense for J.M to have the keys on him at all times? Haha. Yep he had the keys with him. Because now that I think about it, I remember the sound of his keys moving around as he walked down the halls.

It was simple. Kill J.M, get the keys. Simple right?


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