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dear EMC,

why hello best fren.

just letting you know your pretty cool. and by pretty i mean really.

im so sorry you feel like your not in the friend group as much anymore, its just i dont see you as much, only at lunch and chorus actually.

please forgive me.

i don't know how to comfort people and i am truly sorry about that.

im sorry for no being able to help you with love advice.

im sorry im not much help with advice in general.

but thank you for sticking with me for three years now? i forget how long it technically has been but hey, its about three years.

i was pretty sad we were on different teams in 6th grade, so thats why i got so upset this year when we were on separate teams again.

but please do understand it is not your fault.

ok, lets try to bring this back up.

can i just say youre basically niche memes personified? like the bangs? the freckles? the outfits? the memes? just everything?

Thank you for helping me make friends, because without you id probably have no friends.

also thank you for helping me socialize more. even though i still dont talk much, youve helped me a lot.

another thing-thanks for putting up with my trust issues. You know about one reason i have them with telling my friends thing but i realised you dont know why i dont always believe my friend. We can save that for another time.

just remember i love you as platonically as possible.


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