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Jesse hadn't been back to Marty's in three weeks. She had no real reason to go, and just didn't want to go through that awkward first visit that she knew was going to come. Instead she went to work and came straight home, back and forth, back and forth.

Her phone rang on Thursday afternoon.


"Jesse it's uh Gage."

"Hey Gage. How are you?"

"Fine. I just wanted to ask you for a favor." He paused waiting on her answer.

Biting her lip, she sighed. "Of course, what do you need, is everything alright?"

"Yeah things are great I uh, just need you to come over. Would you please come?"

"What for?"

"I wanted to show you something?"

"Uh, I guess, I should be there in fifteen, unless you need me to stop by the store."

"No, not really."

"Ok see you in a bit then."

Jesse hung up the phone feeling confused. What on earth was that about she muttered to herself. Turning to grab her purse off the counter she headed back out still in her pencil skirt, raw silk blouse and three inch heels.

Gage was not accustomed to seeing Jesse dressed for work and was blown away instantly. She looked amazing and those heels had his pulse jumping.

"I uh, hi Jesse. Wow, you didn't have to get dressed up."He was standing there in his tiny pt shorts looking adorable.

She shook her head with a tiny smile. "This is what I wear to work silly, now what did you need that was so important," she asked in an amused voice?

Look he said in a happy voice, indicating his chest, which still held shiny places to indicate where the burns had been.

She looked up at him confused, "I've seen your chest numerous times."

He tilted his head with a laugh, "Never mind, I guess I'm going to have to demonstrate." Then he stepped really close to her and pulled her into his arms in a tight embrace.

"Gage, oh my god you can hug again." Her voice was excited and high pitched as she pressed herself to him, before kissing his neck absently.

A shiver ran down his back in response. He continued to hold her a little longer than was necessary, but he just couldn't help it. He was happy and wanted to share it with her.

"So," she said pulling back a bit. "When did this happen?" Her hand lightly stroked his chest.

The day before yesterday, the doctor gave me some special lotion that is supposed to help the skin return to normal or somewhere close."

"Honey that's wonderful. When do you report back for duty," she asked still standing much too close for his sanity.

"Two more weeks and then it's back to work. God," he said shaking his head, "I've never missed my job so much."

"I know, but it's all downhill from here."

He nodded grinning while picking her up briefly to spin her around. "Gage," she squealed.

Putting her back on her feet he led her to the kitchen. Marty did a double take. "Wow Jesse, you look amazing."

"Thanks." She shrugged not understanding what all the fuss was about. She was dressed for work and that required looking polished.

"So cuz what's for dinner?" He grinned then turned to Jesse, "You're staying right to help me celebrate?"

Jesse sighed seeing the gleam in his eyes knowing that she just couldn't say no to him.

"Yes Gage, I'll stay for dinner."

Again he pulled her close.

"Has he been this affectionate with you too," she asked turning to Marty, still locked in his arms?"

Marty laughed. "He's making up for lost time."

"I see that," she giggled.

Even though Jesse knew it wasn't sexual and that he didn't want more, it still felt good that he had chosen to share this mile stone with her. After all three months was an excessively long time to be incapacitated for any reason. Eventually though he did let go.

She leaned against the cabinet talking to Marty, while snacking on bits of raw veggies that didn't make it from the cutting board into the pot.

"So you've been seeing who now?"

"Dane from accounting. He's well, how to put this, delicious."

Jesse snorted. "Hmm and are you assuming this based on his looks or have you taste tested this guy?"

"Maybe a nibble," Marty said with a blush.

"Wow, ok, and?"

Grinning like a chessire cat she just made a 'mmmmm' sound.

Giggling uncontrollably, Jesse's face turned red. "So uh," giggle, "what's next in your play book?"

Marty sighed, "I'd love to see him naked, and then who knows where that might lead to?"

Gage sat listening in fascination, unable to stop himself from commenting. "Unless he's dead, sex would be the next logical conclusion."

"Ha," Marty said smugly. "I know for a fact Jesse's seen you naked plenty of times."

Looking away with a blush he sighed, "I was too crispy and besides, Jesse is a lady." Sticking out his tongue at his cousin he smiled happy to have countered her comment.

Looking bemused, Jesse smiled at him, "Thank you Gage."

"And I'm not," she asked playfully, "you'd better think long and hard about that before I leave you to starve."

"Hmm. You are the most virtuous of women."

That had Jesse burst out laughing.

Marty smirked at her friend, "Something to say?"

"A bit overmuch, don't you think?"

"Maybe a touch, but no more than a touch," Marty offered with a mischievous grin.

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