Truce? Eye-opener?

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Their relationship had been somewhat repaired that night. Each slipping back into their friendship comfortably, well maybe not so much for Gage as his body was reacting to hers on so many levels he thought he would go insane. His suggestion for Marty to throw a dinner party seemed the perfect solution to his troubles. He wanted and needed a bit of relief from a well used female who could play the game and not be hurt. With that in mind he waited and as predicted a few girls came including Jesse as well as a couple of guys from his unit. But unlike all the times before, he was no longer the center of attention. His buddies, which had escaped the fire were treated like kings while the women walked a wide birth around him. He didn't think he looked that bad. Sure he had a scar on his cheek and yeah the skin was a bit shiny in places, but the other side was perfectly nice and Marty had said the scar made him look dashing, and heroic maybe a little dangerous like a pirate, either way it was a good thing right?

He went through the motions looking a bit lost and eventually stepped into his room for some privacy.

Now it was plain to Jesse if no one else that something was very wrong with Gage. He wasn't acting like himself, if anything he seemed insecure. When she saw him leave the patio she didn't think much of it, but when he failed to return ten minutes later that's when she got worried. At first she thought that maybe he was with one of the women here but they were all present and accounted for. With a sigh of relief she opened his bedroom door to see him head down tears in his eyes.

Coming in on silent feet she closed the door and locked it. That's when he realized he wasn't alone and stiffened, while wiping at his eyes ineffectually.

"What," he asked gruffly feeling humiliated?

"I missed you out there. You ok?"

Shaking his head he shrugged.

"Aw honey, it's ok." Taking a seat she pulled him into her arms. "None of them are worth the pain you're feeling."

He froze not realizing that she understood his sadness.

"Gage, I care about you and I'm not blind. I've seen how they look at you now compared to how they used to. Some women can only see what's staring them right in the face and while at times that is pleasant and fun, it's not lasting, it can't be. When beauty fades the heart and mind must be engaged in order for anything worth having to survive. Those girls out there, who are playing at being women are all about now, short term and will eventually end up alone because of it. You are having to learn your lesson the hard way. I've always believed you were deeper than your looks, and now you need to see that as well or you'll never heal from this."

Hugging her to him he released a sigh, "I'm glad I know you."

He had said it with such warmth and kindness, she almost broke into tears.

Knowing that they wouldn't be able to leave the room unless she added some levity to the moment she pulled back. Looked him in the eyes then leaned in for a kiss. Pulling back again she grinned, "I'd do you."

Startled he looked at her again seeing the laughter in her eyes.

Coming to her feet holding out her hand she grinned. "Come on stud, people will think you've had your wicked way with me if we stay in here much longer."

A nervous smile filled his face. "Would that make you uncomfortable, them thinking that?"

Eyeing him up and down like a prize stud she said in a deceptively sexy tone, "I've seen you naked luv, you don't look the least bit," she paused, enjoying the way he had just stopped breathing, "uncomfortable".

He released his breath in a long low whistle. "You did that entirely too well Jesse."

Giggling she skipped out of his room even as he chased after her playfully gathering her in his arms for a real hug.

"Thanks Jesse," he whispered quietly in her ear.

Kissing his cheek she danced away from his embrace, but not before three others saw grinning at him knowingly.

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