Law of Sin

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----As I said in the discription, this is my first go at publishing any of my work. This story is still in the making, so reviews and comments are much appreciated :). I hope that someone will read this :) :). ----

Chapter One

I hate math. Trig especially. It is all too confusing.

So here I am, another Monday in math class, sitting in the third seat of the second row. There is nothing, I say nothing, good about this class. There isn't even any cute boys. Ok, so maybe there is one, but he is a freshman, and a junior can not be seen with a freshman.

"Can anyone tell me the law of sin? Anyone, anyone at all?" Ms. Willis asked. I can tell that she is just as bored as us, yet monotone voice just goes on, and on, and on.

"Ok, so the homewor-" cut off by the bell. Every time. I'm starting to think that she does this just so she doesn't have to grade out homework.

"Sara! Sara! Wait up!" Yup, that's my best friend. His name is Jace, but everyone calls him Jay. "Sara! Come on, how do you move so fast, you aren't that tall. Wait the fuck up!"

"What? What is it that you want so badly that you have that you have to scream profanities at me from the top of you lungs? I mean, there are freshmen in these hall ways."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me tonight?" Jay asks.

I know he likes me, he has for a while. And I know how mean it is to put him in the friend zone, but I just can't see myself with him in any romantic relationship. I have tried, and the story didn't end well.

"I can't. I'm sorry, but I have to start studying for finals. You should ask Hannah, I know she will say yes."

"Oh, ok. I'll see you later then?" I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Yes! We have a volleyball tournament tomorrow that we both know we are going to win. I'll see you then."

Walking down the hall to my locker, I get this funny feeling like someone is watching me. I look up, and see the most beautiful man I have ever seen before. He has to be older than the seniors, but not by much.

We make eye contact, and he still doesn't look away. Weird.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Going for the polite tone, always a good thing to do when talking to hot boys.

"I don't know, is there?" Oh the hot boy speaks. His voice is deep, a slight southern ascent. It doesn't match his look at all. His voice says sandy blonde hair, brown eyes, and cowboy boots. But he had dark brown hair, and has vans on. I can't see his eye color, But I feel like they would be green. He is almost familiar, like I have met him before. I can't put my finger on it.

"Well you're staring at me as if I just tore off all my clothes and gave you a lap dance, so I was hoping that you just had a question, and weren't ogling a minor." Ok, so that wasn't as polite as it was meant to be, but points for being bold and honest.

Tall Dark and Hansom laughs. His laugh is beautiful. Like nothing I have ever heard before. Except it feels like I have before.

"Well I didn't expect you to have such a smart mouth. I'm looking for a Sara Adams. Know where I can find her?" I can tell be his facial expression that he knows that I'm the person he is looking for.

"You found her, what do you want?" Again, not very polite, but whatever.

"You're going to have to come with me. Don't worry, your dad knows where you are, we just have to ask you a few questions."

A few questions about what? I haven't done anything wrong, I never have.

Leave it to me to ask the most cliché question ever, "Where are you taking me?"

"That is confidential, but you we have to get going."

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