Chapter 2

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"So, you got a name?" I asked as we walk towards the closest exit. My tone still isn't vet polite, but I'm trying.

"You can call me Detective Behn. I work for a special department within the FBI. I'll fill you in with all you need to know once we get to the investigation room. You are in quite some trouble young lady."

I literally can't breath. "In trouble for what?" My voice is quiet, surely it would crack if I tried to talk any louder.

"It seem like you are quite the computer expert, aren't you Miss Adams. I'll tell you tell thing you want to know at the office."

I can't believe this! I'm getting in trouble for something I did so long ago! I didn't even know that that stupid website was real. If I had known, I wouldn't have hacked into it. And I mean, if the FBI is going to have a supper secrete website, then they probably should get better security on it. There was barley any firewall to get through.

I did this in like 8th grade. Some friends and I were messing around and one of them dared me to break into a classified website.

Why would you even have a classified website! Whatever, I'm mad.

"This it a serious crime, and you will be punished accordantly. That means up to 20 years in jail, without bail." Detective Behn voice dropped to a whisper, "But... We are willing to work work with you to shorten your sentence."

"What will I have to do?" I know how this works. They want me to snitch on someone. The only problem with that is, I don't know anything. It was a stupid dare! I didn't see any information about anything.

"We want to to work with us as a undercover agent. You are prefect to play a high school tech geek, which you really are." he laughed at his own joke, which wasn't funny at all.

"What are the details, exactly?" I asked.

"You have to accept the offer before you get any details." Behn said almost to quickly.

"Do my parents know about this?" Not that they would even care.

"No, no one can know about this of you accept. That is the most important rule."

" I accept." I whispered. I will take working wit the FBI over going to jail any day.

"I knew you would. Come with me."

We walked from the dark investigation room into a bright hallway. Not the one that we came in from. There was a vending machine and a coffee maker agents the wall, and a window looking into the room we were just in. I knew the one sided mirror was real!

We were walking down the hallway when Behn turned into a room. The room was small, an didn't have anything in it at all. Behn walked over to a screen pad, and placed his hand on it. All of a sudden an evaluator door opened. I didn't even see the door! Behn walked into it, an motioned for me to so the same.

Once inside the elevator, Behn pushed the very bottom button, the one that is underneath the first floor button. And down we went.

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