Part 0: before the beginning

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Since I'm attempting to get out of my BNHA addiction (pthhh yeah right!), I've decided to actually work on a story for my oc and the dragon parent. Sigh, welp here I go. (Oh here's what Ragnarock looks like! It was a pain to draw on paper, then digitalized it via iPad sketchbook app....)

Warning: little it of swearing. And gore maybe

400 years ago when dragons were roaming the planet, there was a destructive yet lazy dragon with no wings. His name is Ragnarock the volcano dragon with the body of oozing lava dripping from his hind legs and jagged rock like scales on his back, which protects him from any dragons attacking from the air.

As stated even though he's strong and caused some destruction, he's very lazy when it came to being bossed around. When a war between dragons and humans happened, he hid away and took a 400 year slumber in a cave.

When he awaken, he was surprised at the what the world changed into. He attempted to explore but he ended up causing a entire city to be burned down and the remains were covered in ashes, no one survived the disaster he caused. And since he couldn't fly, he couldn't really go anywhere father then the wasteland of a city.

But while he wandered the city, he stumbled onto a library which contained books (when I mean stumbled, he stepped and melted half of it) he skimmed the books and found a spell to create and control a vessel (it's like maker magic/marionette magic fusion) .

So he tried and made a human body out of clay and the molted earth that was his magic energy, for its life source, giving the vessel a small faction of his destructive power. When he finished he hid his dragon body in his cave home, then controlled his human vessel and went off on his own adventure. But first he made some clothes for his vessel, since he'll look less suspicious. Plus he did scarred a family of passerby for life.....

During his travels, he looked like a tourist in every town and city, people looked at him funny when he saw basically anything new, which happened almost every ten seconds.

As he traveled he entered a town where all kind of thugs, drug dealer, and scum hanged out. He got mugged at least three times. After the third robbery his noticed a little girl laying on the streets, starving and on the brink of death. She had lifeless forest green eyes and hair so messy and dirty you couldn't tell what color it was. Ragnarock felt pity for the child and took the girl and wandered around the town, asking for medical attention for the child.

While he asked around the hellish town he was really losing his temper with the people who seem to only care about their greedy desires and possessions. The girl was kinda getting better, Ragnarock did beat up a few pickpocketers for food and water and even gave her half of his magic, but it was the very expensive type of medicine was what she really needed. He made his way to the leader of the towns entire system.

-and now, dialogue-

"Pardon my intrusion, but this child needs medical attention. So you wouldn't mind if you've give me want I want?" Ragnarock said with a fake smile, hoping things will go peacefully.

The head honcho of the town was a very bitchy looking lady, her looked down at the mysterious stranger, bit annoyed how he turned her town upside down. "Tch. Why would I give my precious resources to you and that runt?~" she said with a sinister look. "It's a survival of the fittest out there, one dead girl isn't going to effect anything."

Ragnarock signed at the her attitude. "Listen lady, either give me something or someone to heal this child...." He said as he gently placed the kid down and walked to the center on the room. "Or I'll force it out of yah, and it won't be a pretty sight.~"
"Ha! You think I'm scared of you!? If you haven't noticed sweetie, you're vastly outnumbered here!"

She wasn't wrong there, as she mentioned that about fifty of her goons showed up either wielding a weapon or starting to activating their magic. Ragnarock looked at then and..... his cheek immediately puffed out like a toddlers.

"Pthhhhhh.....I sense that you're trying to be intimidate me, it could work if.... Well if you were actually trying to be scary!" He said as started to hold in a chuckle.

"Argh! I'm tired of your crap! ATTACK!"

As commanded, her goons ran at Ragnarock with a murderous intentions. The ones with weapons attacked first as the Magic users attacks for a distance. He dodged the magic with ease while getting his body grazed from the fighters swords and other sharp objects, bright red liquid oozes from his cuts.

"Seems you're all talk stranger, where's that cocky attitude from earlier?!~"

Ragnarock didn't respond as he kept doing what he was doing, toying with his prey. It wasn't a while until some of the henchmen noticed something.

"We should kill the girl!" One of them suggested.

"Yeah! Since this guy is too busy with all of us." Another said.

A third goon swung his iron mace at Ragnarock, But the results of that were not what they hopped for. When the mace made contact with his arm, the mace broke apart and melted into a puddle of molten metal.

"Ah, sorry gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation! I thought you said you were going to kill my child." A very pissed off Ragnarock said grimly. "Not that I don't mind violence or anything, but I advise you leave her out of this!" He added as he punched three men, sending them flying and into a wall, right through it to be exact. "Otherwise I'll have to show you no mercy.~"

Some of the minions backed down from Ragnarock, seeing the creepy expression he was wearing. The magic users kept going since they were at a safe distance. That's what they assumed.

Just as the magicians were about to fire again, Ragnarock suddenly vanished.

"H-hey! Where'd he go!?" One of them said, looking around frantically.

"Ahhhh so these so called wizards are holder users.~"

Everyone looked up to see Ragnarock swinging from an old chandelier, back and forth, side to side he swung.

"W-who the fuck is this guy?! Is he even human!?!" A mage exclaims in total fear as watched the dark red haired.... male swinging, making the fancy light source slowly break from its hold on the ceiling.

"Since you all are hiding behind your tools and other magic items-" the chandelier crashed onto the ground, metal and shards of glass were all over the place, making a minefield of sharp objects. "-I guess I should stop toying around and CUT to the chase!"

The minions raised their eyebrows in confusion as watched Ragnarock picked up a golden colored rod that was part of the chandelier. When the piece was picked from the ground, it melted but still kept its shape. He brushed the glowing liquid metal of to reveal it was shaped into a sharp, pointy ,very hot blade of metal.

Ragnarock grinned as lunges at the closest living being and stabbed them in the abdomen, blood bursted out of the guy's back as some leaked out of the end of the rod, splashing onto to floor, making a puddle. (Welp, Ragnarock is a fucking psycho when battle crazy...)

"D-don't just stand there! KILL THAT MONSTER DAMNIT!" The leader screamed, now realizing the danger she's in.

Ta daaaaa the most words I've ever written in one chapter! I'll Try my best to update this as recent as I can since this story is one I wish to complete! (Look! Over 1300 words! Hell yeah!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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The rise of the destructive magma dragon slayer (a FT oc origin story)Where stories live. Discover now