the decision

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It was exactly six months after the battle of Hogwarts. Ron amd Hermione were taking a walk, and talking. "Hermione looks at Ron" and smiles. "Ron smiles back and then frowns". What's wrong Ron? "He sighs inwardly" Hermiome, i know we were planning to meet your parents next week. "he paused". "She grasped his hand" what is it Ron, "she muttered softly". I don't think we should. "She looks at him". Why not, i met your parents. Yea byt ya know? Her expression darkens, is it because their muggles? Well yes but i just dont think i'm ready. Ron, they already know were coming. Come on Ron please? Do it for me? "He smiles" of course anything for you.

Hermione P.O.V
I was looking through my spell book i used when I was a fiirst year. I smiled at the memory. I was so excited to go to Hogwarts and the day i got the letter i knew that for once i could be ar a school where i was execpted. My parents were shocked amd might i saw confused but they supported me the whole way through. Ron came in and i looked over at him. "Where have you been"? I asked him calmly. "I was helping George with the shop". I nodded, and looked back down at my book. Hey listen Hermione, i think i should stay here and you go visit your parents. "Ron we had this conversation eairler". I know buy i have a lot of work to do here! "I laughed". Ron you have to meet them or else we can't be together. "Ron stood straight up". We might not be able to stay with eachother anyway. I looked at him teary eyed. If thats what you want. He grabbed my hand, Hermione i'm just saying that im a pure blood and im, i cut him off and im what Ron?! Just a Muggle born with muggles for parents. Well i don't know if you knew this Ron but muggles have good things about them.
Hermione you just want to tell them how you saved the world! I looked at him stunned. Ron i am so glad they gor their memory back you have no idea. Just forget it and i walk into our room.

I cried and cried until i grabbed my wand, packed a bag and left and i was off to my parents house.

Ron P.O.V
After Hermione left i sat there and thought about what had been said. Why didn't she jusy understand thst i wasn't ready! I decided i couldn't be in this house, so i went over to Harry's. After the battle of Hogwarts, Harry got his own house that Ginny spent all the time at
. I considered the fact that it might be a bad idea to go over there while my sister was over there. I had aceing she would take Hermiones side.

Harry P.O.V
I still got a lot of attention from wizards and witches evverywhere i would alaways be known as the boy that lived. It was rainig out and Ginny came over soaking wet. I used a spell to dry her off. She was talking about Hogwarts when we heard a knock on the door I'll get it. I opened the door to see Ron. Ron? I asked. What are you doing here? He had tear stains on his face. Come in! He walked in and saw Ginny. "She looked at him. Ron him what's wrong? He looked up at us with dull eyes that not even a spell cam fix. Hermione and i... we uh broke up. I looked up at him suprised that had happened although i was worried about Ron i have seen and heard more surprising things in my life. Ginny looked at him. Oh Ron i'm so sorry. "She hugged him". Ron, i motioned, come sit down. Ok, i, better do that.

Ron P.O.V
I dat down knowing i was about to be frowned upon because this was all my fault and, knowing Ginny and Harry they were going to ask. I know you know we're going to ask what happened, Harry said. I looked up at them amd told them the whole story.
Harry and Ginny looked at each other than back at me. Ron, Ginny started i know you were just worried. She's right Ron, i mean i lived with muggles for ten years, and some were bad some were good. Just like Voldemort was bad but others were good. I know i just didn't want to risk our realtionship. They both looked at me. Ron, Harry started, why don't you stay here fir awhile? I could tell my eyes light uo with excitement. Really? Of course Ron, you're my best friend! I smiled you're my best friend to Harry. So where do i sleep? "Ginny smiled". On the floor. I frowned. "She laughed". Don't worry Ron, im just kidding.

I looked up at the celling thinking about Hermione. I hope she was ok. I know she was. She was the smartest witch i knew. I felt regret deep with in but i knew it was time to move on. I slept for a little bit and woke up. I sighed knowing it was still early. I carefully went downstairs to not wake Ginny or Harry. I went to the kitchen and made some of mums famous wizard tea. I sat down. I heard a noise and saw Harry in the hallway. Oh hey Harry. Ron, what are you doing up so early? I shook my head, couldn't sleep. He gave me a sympathetic look. Yea i know the feeling. I suddenly felt bad. I shouldn't be complaing. You had horrible vissions. Im just glad it's over now. "I sighed". Harry i know i just know that i'm not getting her back this time. I'll be ok Ron. Thanks Harry, i really do appericate it.

Harry P.O.V

Ginny woke up a few hours later for breakfast. Ginny didn't want to admit it but she was excellent at cooking. I glanced at her and she came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. I looked over at Ron who was stuffing his face with food. "Slow down Ron! Ginny said". He shrugged his shoulders. Sorry Ginny but wizards got to eat. We all burst out laughing at that.

Hey guys i know its been awhile but here is my second Harry Potter story! I'll update soon

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