Chapter 14

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(Time Skip)

I sat at my desk doing homework-- like what a normal kid does. It's been hours since my Dad and Baird left to go find Sawyer and Raven. Mom's in her room probably watching some Supernatural or some other show. Ahhh! I can't take math homework anymore-- I need a break. I lean back in my chair and rub my eyes..I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep. Not until Dad gets home. I hear a knock on my door.

(JD)- " Come in" In comes mom.

(Mom)- " Hey, I'm turning in early" I looked at my clock and it was 1 in the morning.

(JD)- " Mom, it's 1"

(Mom)- " It's early for me."

(JD)- " What about Dad?"

(Mom)- " He's probably fine..besides he's gonna get an ear full in the morning" she rolls her eyes. My ears pick up a scream outside-- getting closer and closer till it was in the room with us. Dad reappeared from being intangible and roughly landing on my bed but was bounce out and had fallen on the floor with a thud.

(Mom)- "Danny!" Mom and I rush Dad who was badly injured..his jumpsuit was ripped covered in cuts. A blue ring forms around dad--turning him back to his normal self. Dad was in bad shape..Mom comforted him-- who could have done this? Raven? Sawyer-- no way Sawyer could have done this to my Dad.

(Dad)- "Aggghhh!" he grunts when Mom tried to tend to him.

(JD)- " Dad--dad, what happened-- who did this?" I'm hoping it wasn't Sawyer.

(Dad)- "Hphmm-- it was R-raven...Saw-sayer" he managed to speak. My heart sank that Sawyer could do this...I furrow my brow, Raven and Sawyer took this too far..I don't know what Raven's game plan is but it's going to be ruined once I take her down.

(Time Skip)

I peak into my parents room, Mom's sleeping on the cozy chair while Dad rests in bed. Mom and I patched him up last night. He still lays in bed resting. I look over to mom, she still had the blanket I put on her last night. I checked my phone and it was 7 on the dot..I'm not letting this slide. I don't care what I do to bring him back...but I will also stop Raven. I rush back to my room and closed the door gently to not wake up my parents.

(JD)- "Alright-- lets do this.." I thought really hard and--there's the ring! It up and down my body-- turning me into my ghost form! Holy shit! Either I'm getting good at this...or my ghost powers are feeling sorry for me. Either way-- time to head over to Kenzie's house. I go intangible and fly out my room-- flying the easy part for me. I flew a few houses down to get to Kenzie's..the only hard part to flying is the stopping. I flew right into her room crashing into her closer.I land upside down with her clothes falling down on me.

(JD)- " Aghh-- shit"

(Kenzie)- " JD-- what the hell? You ruined my closet!" she shouted at me. I rolled over to stand back up removing her t-shirts and sweaters off of me.

(JD)- "Hehe-- sorry about that" I say as I shake my hair.

(Kenzie)- " What are you doing here? And why are you in your ghost form?"

(JD)- " My Dad was attacked last night.."

(Kenzie)- " I're mom called my parents and Sam and Baird"

(JD)- " I thought my Dad and Baird were out looking for them together?"

(Kenzie)- " I don't know, I only heard minor details."

(JD)- " I'm gonna find them, Kenzie-- "

(Kenzie)-"You're not gonna hurt him are you?"

(JD)- " Kenzie, he hurt my Dad..."

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid. (( BOOK 3 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now