Forgive & Forget

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"I don't understand how you can go into the city every single day but i can't!" Alistar screamed at his older brother with complete malice laced into his voice, "We both know perfectly well that I am old enough. I'm no child, Kallius!"

Everyday they had the same argument. It was like a broken CD player that keep going on repeat. Most of the arguments were filled with vulgar words and death threats that mostly came out of the younger boy and were aimed at the elder. Kallius just took all the verbal abuse with open arms. He knew he was a bad brother and an even worse guardian.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I understand what you are saying Star, but you need to stay here. You need to check the traps and make sure no animals manage to break into the cabin while I'm gone, Alright?"

"Why can't we just move into into the city like normal people? No one else goes off the grid and lives in the woods! Why do we have to live like this? 'Cause Mommy and Daddy couldn't take care of us and wanted to shoot themselves up with drugs?" Alistar mocked, knowing he was striking the older brother in his weak and emotional spot, "You could've taken us to some kind of shelter but No that's not what Kallius does is it? Everything has to be his way and he can't share a single thing without being the jealous brat he really is!"

"Star," Kallius started weakly, "I'm trying. I really am trying to get us out of here. A few more years of saving and hopefully we can get that apartment we've been talking about. I'm almost there, you just have to give me some more time. I promise you, we will get out of this place. Until then, you have to stay here."

Alistar's face practically began to glow red with his anger. "Stop calling me by that stupid nickname! I hate it, I hate you! I hate these woods, I hate the city, I hate this cabin, I hate my entire life," Alistar snapped at the younger boy as his arm shot out and punched a large hole in the wall beside him. Chips of the thin wood broke and fell to the ground, splintering and sounding like shattering glass against the death-like silence that had filled the room.

Alistar breathed heavily, glaring at his brother with hate filled eyes. His body shook, wanting to release all of his pent up anger onto the older boy. A low rumble bubbled up in his throat as he practically growled like a rabid wolf. He continued to stare at his brother, internally begging him to leave before he actually lost control of himself once again. The scar on his brother's collarbone was enough for him to know he always went too far.

Kallius on the other hand fought to hold in the tears that had now rimmed his eyes and blurred his eyesight. It looked as though he was staring at his younger brother through a thick plate of ice that hadn't been sanded. He stared for a few moments longer before finally turning away from the younger boy. "I-I have to go to work Star.. I'll be back in a few hours." He whispered, unable to stop the crack in his voice as he spoke.

"Whatever. Run away from your problems like you always do. It's not like I care." The younger boy grumbled as he door fell shut against the frame.

Kallius followed his usual route through the woods, finally allowing the tears that had drowned his eyesight to fall from his red eyes. He knew he wasn't strong. He put up a barrier to hold his emotions, but as always it had begun to fall.

As for Alistar, he was absolutely sick of that weak little boy he called a brother. His dark eyes that always seemed like they were void of any happiness, but still full of way too much innocence. The way his hair always fell over his right eyes if he didn't keep it pushed down tended to tick him off. Every single movement the older boy made lit a new spark of anger into the younger one.

Although he hates his brother with all of his hearts, he couldn't help that small twinge of sadness that squeezed his heart whenever Kallius seemed upset or way to stressed for a boy his age. He never meant to stuff he said to his brother, his emotions just took over his body. He didn't--no--he couldn't let his brother find out about his feelings for him. Alistar was brought out of his thoughts by a strong metallic taste in his mouth. He realized he was biting his lip and shook his head, releasing his now bleeding lower lip from his mouth with a stressed sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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