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 An Unknown P.O.V.

     I pant as hard as I thought my lungs would let me as I attempt escape. This stupid prison of a body... god, how you wished that this didn't have to happen.

     The substance nears me as I run through the underbrush. Chilling echoes hissed in my ears like nails on a chalkboard. Grunting, I ignore the eardeafening sounds and proceed. 

     "We're coming for you... you can't escape your fate..." the chilling voice proceeded to haunt me. I back away as the white figure narrowed its eyes, bulging with grey tears. No, no no no... I cry out in my head. "You can't... you can't... you can't..." the voices cried out. 

     I swipe underneath its sorrow and weep, and continue running, my feet in a constant motion. Left, right, left, right... what an idiot I was- running from inevitable death. I'm going to cause my own death one way or another. The crying figures, about 5 in total, one being slightly faded out of the rest, emerged before me. How did they...

     "Listen to yourself, your struggles just make you more vulnerable to our revenge..." the front child explained. If only that children weren't so... clingy to their desires and their wanted. Tile clapped underneath me in synchronized unison with the thunder outside the place. The front child soul hissed softly, the second- although soft and puny- whined almost inaudibly. The other two, I couldn't be too sure about.

     At long last, the children caught up and ensnared me in their anger and rage. 

"You could have done this a different way..." I told them. "That doesn't involve my death by your hands." The souls exchanged glances, only to tighten their grip on me. Choking, my face- literally- turned purple.

     "Has anyone told you that pain looks good on you?" The third child asked in sass. "Especially that it is what you had done to us." I stared in disbelief at them. I could have been the angel in this situation, but I had to take a rough road and destroy all hopes of that. A golden rabbit suit emerged before my eyes. Wide and in complete hope this was all a big fat nighmare, my eyes bulged. "Enjoy your stay." The first child grinned as the grey droplets fell from its face down to the tile. In a final glance, the suit crushed me. Screeching in pain, I could feel the wet, yet warm sensation of blood. I just had to keep asking myself...

Was this what I deserved?

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