My Wattpad Days Are Numbered...

95 8 34

So, as you guys probably know, Net Neutrality is at risk right now... The FCC are planning to destroy Net Neutrality... The vote will happen on 14th December...

Basically this means that Americans will have to pay for services like Netflix, Snapchat and Wattpad...

Even though I live in Germany, so Net Neutrality doesn't affect me, I'm still distraught, since most of my Wattpad friends live in America. This means I most likely won't be able to talk to any of you guys anymore...

My mental health hasn't been great for the past year or so, but you guys here on Wattpad have really helped me through it. I have a feeling that my mental health will probably be getting worse again since I can't talk to you guys. Thank you the FCC, you have just basically ruined my life...

So, if Net Neutrality is destroyed, I'm probably just gonna leave Wattpad all together. I don't see any point in me sticking around anymore if I can't talk to you guys...

Well, if this is goodbye, here are my best Wattpad friends:


I'm sorry if I didn't tag you. Feel free to let me know if I didn't tag you.

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